Still very sad

Sorry to hear that man I just went through this with my dog. It's amazing how much part of the family they become
Thats just sad I want a Lab so bad but I want a get a fence up around my 2 acres first,I hope you can get another one to love as much as you did Lucy,sounds like you are person that would give any dog a good home.RIP Lucy!
Sorry to hear about your Lucy...And I agree, very sad time
So sad, so sorry, prayer said for your pain, I know, lost my little buddy last year . . . still sad.
I too am sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my black lab Sasha about 4 months ago and it still brings a tear to my eye when I think of her.

I loved that story about dog heaven!
Sorry to hear that. One of the best dogs I ever had was a female lab, had to go through the same thing with her a few years ago. Its never easy. Sometimes its best to let them go than to let them suffer. sounds like she had a wonderful life.
Lucy is still with you , every time you think of her .

Losing a companion in this realm is never an easy thing , nor does it ever get easier when time comes to let them go in the physical realm .
The Spirit of our animal superiors is a very strong one . It's untainted , like a child's spirit .

Last Septmebre I had to have one of my kitties put to sleep . "Girlie" was 16 years old , but looked to be no more than 1 year old.
I adopted her from one of my neighbours whom couldn't keep her any more due to my neighbour's health.
I was more than happy to give my little buddy a new home .

After having Girlie's companionship for 10 months , it was time for her to leave this realm .

Hurt like hell to let her go .

Now , last week I was waiting for a refill on one of my pain meds . As I was reading a magazine , I felt the sensation of a cat rubbing on my shins , giving head butts to my feet .
I felt her warmth and fur rubbing on me.
It was Girlie visiting me from the other side , letting me know that all's well with her .

One day , you'll be working on your car or around the house , and you'll feel the presence of your beloved Lucy . Say hi to her for all of us here :)
A big Thank You to my FABO family for your understanding and my wife thinks we just talk about cars. Makes me feel better for walking out of vets office with an empty dog collar and eyes full of tears.
im so very sorry for your loss labs are great dogs i had a chocolate lab hes been gone about a year its never easy loosing a family member hang in there pal.
Sorry to hear about Lucy. Had 2 dogs that got old and sick and had to be put down. It is not easy. You become so attached they are part of the family. Time will heal. Maybe you will get another dog in the future.
Sorry to hear about Lucy. She now in the "Land of the Slow Squirells" romping around in her own field with a stream. She'll be waiting for you.

Don't forget about giving an unwanted dog a chance to be by your side, he or she will be gratefull forever.
Sorry for your loss man. I too have an older pup that is rounding that bend, and I dread the day she has to be let go.

RIP Lucy.
My condolances for your loss of Lucy. Nothing but time itself can dry the tears,ease the hurt and pain and mend a broken heart.Only time. Euthanize is a term I have come to know all too well living on a farm.Our pets and cattle are like a member of the family.Being a responsible owner you have to make those difficult decisions from time to time.You must be able to do the right thing.Been there and done that a few times.
Tears run down my face as I write this. Makes me remember my dear Molly, a yellow we had for 14 years; finally passed due to cancer. Just broke my heart when we had to put her down. I have another yellow now to love, but she will never be the same... My wife and I soaked her fur with our tears when she left us. She will always be remembered...
One final hug and you sent her off to wait for you like the great dog that she is. She'll be there waiting like she was so many times before, and next time, you'll be together forever!!! She's probably looking for someone to take care of you right now, someone up to her standards, and when she finds them, they'll do their best to fill her shoes and watch over you until it's time!! She is a special girl and she still loves you, may she rest in her favorite spot in your heart forever!!! Geof
Sorry to hear of your loss. I hope the tears on your keyboard have dried by now.
