Stolen Car and Trailer DFW Duncanville Texas



Old School Chrysler Fan
Feb 14, 2010
Reaction score
Desoto Texas
My Bentron Titan 24 foot enclosed trailer with my 1962 Lancer Station Wagon was stolen in Duncanville sometime in the last couple of weeks. I was called today that they found it missing. I checked a few weeks ago and everything was ok. If anyone is selling a wagon, or a Dodge Colt or a slant six engine and hyper pak intake, I would appreciate a heads up. I am offering a reward for the return of all the stuff. It had 40 years of mopar collecting in it. Too many things to list.


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I hope you get it all back and they catch the thieves.
WOW dude, you just got it back from the paint shop not too long ago and posted pics of the assembly process. I hope the law catches up with them before you do.

Bill S.:wack:
Prolly some dudes that are too lazy and jealous to accomplish the kind of work it looks like you've done on that ride. Hopefully they catch them....before they can make it to Mexico.
Just this week I got a call from my debit card security that my card had been duplicated in Illinois.....the punk(s) spent $199.93 in one friday!! Get this, on KFC, Burger King, and El Taco!!! Hope they get caught and starve in jail.
Sorry man, never know may see it here in Colorado, will def keep an eye out.
This is just awful. We are at the Mopar Nats in Columbus now. I will keep my eyes peeled tomorrow.
I'm sorry to hear this and doubt that they would go North, but I certainly will keep my eyes peeled here in Colorado.

Damn man. Im really sorry to hear that. Something about wagons these days, not long ago another member's 66 Dart Wagon was stolen too.
Was it stolen from a storage lot? If so then they are responsible. I hope everything works out alright.
I appreciate any help the FABO family can provide. No storage not responsible, it's right in the contact. And of course camera on RV lot hasn't worked in months. Besides, in my wildest dreams I didn't see this happening to me. WRONG! Now I am out both projects and some ahole is gonna trash my stuff. Didn't sleep much last night. It was an orange 72-73 Colt that was just panels so that is most likely in a dumpster. The officer said they would change the VIN on the trailer and sell it. The Lancer? who knows, it's not like that is a Hemi Cuda. I just got screwed, plan and simple. It can happen to you, check your locks, check your stuff, get enough insurance to cover your losses. I had the hyper pak intake since I was 15. 40 years. Oh well it's only stuff. God causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. All my family is safe, I have a roof over my head, a loving wife and a job. I am blessed. Thanks for the vent and the help.
........ Oh well it's only stuff. God causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. All my family is safe, I have a roof over my head, a loving wife and a job. I am blessed. Thanks for the vent and the help.

Once again, I'm so sorry to hear about this but you have the right attitude. I sure hope you recover your losses in one way or another.

God Bless.
f*ckin thieves theyll get what they deserve no doupt about that.....

on a side not sorry to hear man that must suck but like you said all that matters is family and a roof over your head
Lots of memories and hours spent. No doubt the bad guys didn't know what was inside just that it was a good lookin trailer. I'm hoping they just unload the contents on the side of the road and head out with the trailer! Yes it's bad to loose the trailer but it's the contents that can't be replaced. I feel for you my friend!!!!

You know you have full access to any of my Dart or slant 6 stuff in the attic. Just give the word and I'll even deliver.

Do you have any pictures of the trailer?? I know it may have been painted by now but anyone who would just steal something like that wouldn,t waste their time on a complete cover up.
Do you have any pictures of the trailer?? I know it may have been painted by now but anyone who would just steal something like that wouldn,t waste their time on a complete cover up.

Plain white 24 Foot Bendron Titan enclosed trailer. White wagon wheels and a little dent on the right rear at the top of the rear door frame when I backed into a tree.

I just googled earth and there it sits in the storage lot right where I left it. Almost like I could go pick it up, but I can't. And I just got the bill from the storage lot! Like I am going to pay that bill.
I am so disappointed to read this...

Hyper_pak's generosity with his knowledge, time, and parts while I have known him is unmatched!

Texas, don't mess with one of the good guys!

Fellow members, please make an effort to be on the lookout for all of this stuff! And it's not just "stuff", but a lifetime of former and future memories that was stolen.
