Stolen Charger !!!!!!


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
68 Pro Street. Purple car. There's an article in March 09 Mopar Collectors Guide. It belongs to a quadriplegic named Nick Suckow out of Dallas, Wisconsin. Someone stole it from his garage in that same town. Sad story but this car will be very easy to recognize even if it's parted out. Law enforcement to call if info comes up on it is Jeff Nelson @ 715-537-3106. If any radical parts go to showing up in your area be suspicious and investigate. Don't get shot. Any of you guys from that area. Lets put FABO in the good guy column again if we can. After you read this your blood pressure will soar. Should this be a sticky?
I remember the article in Mopar Muscle about this guy and his car. Very sweet ride. As if things in this world aren't bad enough, we have idiots doin crap like this to good people who don't deserve more hardship in their lives. Everybody should keep an eye out for this car, lets hope it isn't found one piece at a time. Lets help put the word out and try to get that 'ol boy his car back!
a few pics would help to see what things look like if thoes scum bags try to sell off parts.
Here is a picture of the car. All the local newspapers have done a piece on the car, and how it got stolen, so i'm sure it will turn up somewhere.

mopp_0711_1968_dodge_charger_1600x1200 copy.jpg
That's it. 14 years in the making. The guy has enough trouble in his life to have some dingaling steel his lifes dream. Keep your eyes peeled.
My eyes are peeled. I hope this is a sad day for a thief :angry7:
Yea, I remember seeing that in one of the Mopar magizines. The guy had it built and can't even drive it, he had to have someone drive it for him but still had it built.
I think the guy needs a break and hopefully someone spots it and the scum that took it gets to visit the slammer!!!
i saw that car in the latest issue of mopar collectors guide.....sad deal. Pretty sure if that was my car the people who stole it would have to run for their lives
I read the article in Mopar Muscle too. What the hell is wrong with people? If you believe in Karma then the person or persons that took the car will get what`s coming to `em.
How can you hide something like that and not even hear a peep about it. Someone knows where that car is and there are plenty of people with loose lips. Listen for the talk on the street. Get the word out up in that area and let the auto parts stores know your looking for some really neat parts or a purple fender.
Total bullshit, I get both magazines, not sure how I missed the story, I know a few mopar guys and will make sure to put the word out.
Anybody know if this guy ever got his car back? (I know this thread is a couple years old, just wondering).
I dont think he ever got it back .... u can bet as soon as that charger was took in 20 it was in a shop and being cut up fro its parts