Stop in for a cup of coffee

Happy Halloween!

Torque boxes became standard equipment on HP cars in 1968. Only one example of a factory Torque box has been found before that on a late production ‘67 Charger 440.

Before that, they were factory or aftermarket prototypes only.
My 67 convertible has them front and back. All 67 convertibles had them.
Getting the rain here. Started last night around 8. Little break now, then heavy storms rolling in for evening. Most around here were having trick or treat tonight moved it already. I guess some last night and a bunch Saturday. I think most avoid Friday for High School football.
This thing has had me drooling since I first saw it. Tempting. But back to building the house when I get home.

Will be nice to have two spaces definitely got spoiled last year. put the truck and trailer in one and set up in another, life will be good.
I think convertible frames were built beefier in some of the same areas before they thought about them as torque boxes.
'66 B Body 'Vert has '64 'Vert did not, If I remember correctly..
Morning all, coffee is on and a chilly -3 out side, warming up to mid 40s. Another fun day in the patch.