Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well winter is definitely here the car door was frozen pretty good when I went out to get something!
God morgen and happy Wödens Day. Hope the coffee is strong and warm for everyone. Up to 15* this AM, but windy...
So i managed to scavenge the heated choke thermostat. Think the automatic choke on fargo may become a reality. How cool is that??
Even found the thermal switch.
Issue may be getting enough heat to pull it off. but i may run a hot water pipe along side it.
I have too much on my plate, but if someone is looking....

Probably Rani's stash....she selling for Olle to come over?
So Mitch was showing off her headlights and Bens jaw dropped? I am so confused.
I have a real problem with secretive people

They hide , they change there direction, and .... I better stop there
Good morning.. I think she must be a pole dancer :rofl: up and down, in the middle, then back up :D

Good morning men....That Mopar stash in Co, listed for 1 dollar then states not a fire sale......which is it?
Not good, freezing friggin cold here this morning again, no end in sight, should be 60 degrees