Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning MOPAR Dreamers!!
I had a dream, a dream the Chiefs WIN the Super Bowl!!
Good Morning!!
Tow truck appt for 0930 this morning. Holy smokes what a classic conversation, I got a driver this morning instead of office staff. All I could think of was Dave? Dave’s not here man. I about died but we got it figured out finally. Hope he shows up. Demon is coming home.
How far is the painter from you??
Good morning 62 degrees Saturday, 21 now. My Saturday adventure picture

Seen so many old homes and barns while I was out and about, come spring I will be taking a few pictures of my area and the old bridges, Barns and nature.
Outstanding, we say if you don't like the weather here just wait ! It will change.

Keep me updated please
Outstanding, we say if you don't like the weather here just wait ! It will change.

Keep me updated please
Will do Sir, all joking aside looks like she is pretty intent on making a move come summer. She already has a contractor lined up to build and is going down next week to look at acreage. My argument is we can pay way less per sq ft by purchasing existing property. Her reply is this is our last house, we have always comprised on every house we have ever bought. I am doing this one my way. I figure she has followed me across the Country and I have uprooted her more times than I care to admit. My response at this point in our lives is a solid yes Ma’am.
Will do Sir, all joking aside looks like she is pretty intent on making a move come summer. She already has a contractor lined up to build and is going down next week to look at acreage. My argument is we can pay way less per sq ft by purchasing existing property. Her reply is this is our last house, we have always comprised on every house we have ever bought. I am doing this one my way. I figure she has followed me across the Country and I have uprooted her more times than I care to admit. My response at this point in our lives is a solid yes Ma’am.
Arkansas? I like Memikes photos. Looks like a great place to live.
Will do Sir, all joking aside looks like she is pretty intent on making a move come summer. She already has a contractor lined up to build and is going down next week to look at acreage. My argument is we can pay way less per sq ft by purchasing existing property. Her reply is this is our last house, we have always comprised on every house we have ever bought. I am doing this one my way. I figure she has followed me across the Country and I have uprooted her more times than I care to admit. My response at this point in our lives is a solid yes Ma’am.
I feel your pain. Cheryl is working with a realtor too. We are either building a garage, buying a house with the garage space, or building. I have a 1 July deadline. She's not parking her driver outside next winter.
Arkansas? I like Memikes photos. Looks like a great place to live.
We are originally from Ark. all our family and grandkids are there. Heck MeM and I are likely kin folk! Not sure where we will land but want to be within two hours of NWArk. (Fayetteville) This weekend wife was standing on the snow ledges chipping away at edges feeding me and the snow blower. As many on here know she is only five ft tall, it was kind of cool looking up to her all morning! But man she is done with Fargo winters. Standing on top of 3-5 ft drifts is just plain no fun.
Warning….I just got a pop up looked like a Windows alert. It said I hadn't done my file updates, I had a file corruption, and my files were compromised. I thought BS cause my IT wife is all over updates. I went to click exit and our Webroot popped up saying this was a highly corrputed website. So it was a fake looking Windows hacker. Just sharing. Be safe out there. The obvious is not sometimes.
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Warning….I just got a pop up looked like a Windows alert. It said I hadn't done my file updates, I had a file corruption, and my files were compromised. I thought BS cause my IT wife is all over updates. I went to click exit and our Webroot popped up saying this was a highly corrputed website. So it was a fake looking Windows hacker. Just sharing. Be safe out there. The obvious is not.

Thanks for the heads up they are out there. Wife ordered something on a "legit looking" site, next day URL had gone away and she learned it was a scam site. Called credit card, bank etc. no fun for her. Good Morning All!
Mitch saw the SB odds this morning. Has KC favored but barely. Overunder was 53.5. With those offenses I thought it'd be higher.
Thanks for the heads up they are out there. Wife ordered something on a "legit looking" site, next day URL had gone away and she learned it was a scam site. Called credit card, bank etc. no fun for her. Good Morning All!
Will do Sir, all joking aside looks like she is pretty intent on making a move come summer. She already has a contractor lined up to build and is going down next week to look at acreage. My argument is we can pay way less per sq ft by purchasing existing property. Her reply is this is our last house, we have always comprised on every house we have ever bought. I am doing this one my way. I figure she has followed me across the Country and I have uprooted her more times than I care to admit. My response at this point in our lives is a solid yes Ma’am.
Sometimes you just have to know when to just say yes mam. Just ask her for a small 40x60 for you.
It's Monaco Monday!


Good morning.
Mannnn I put a lot of gas in those beasts when I was a kid :lol:.
Corky the Cop rolls in one day and slides to a stop next to the pumps :wtf:
He throws the State of Ca. credit card out the window at me and yells "Give me 10 gallons Alex!"
As soon as the cap is on and he hears the license plate slam into place the Monaco is lit and the tires are smokin' :wtf::wtf:
"I'll be back later!" he shouts as he leaves. :realcrazy:
He returns a couple hours later to finish what he started.
Turns out there was a shooting in the next town 30sum miles south of us on I 15 and he didn't want to "miss" it.
Kind of a sniper type situation, lots of LEOs involved.
I had to ask him "Just what was the big deal?"
He gets out of the car, opens the trunk and shows me his "special" duty duffel bag.
200 rounds for the service revolver
200 rounds in mags for the at the time little appreciated 9mil auto loader
An AR 15 with 20 mags
A 300 Win Mag scoped with a bipod and just 2 boxes of ammo for it
Frickin' bag weighed 80 lbs if an ounce:lol:
He was disappointed that after making the 35 mile trip in 15 minutes the situation had been resolved before he got there.
Corky and I got along reeeaaal good after that.
Monacos gooooood
I feel your pain. Cheryl is working with a realtor too. We are either building a garage, buying a house with the garage space, or building. I have a 1 July deadline. She's not parking her driver outside next winter.
Simple fix...Sell the driver!!!:poke:
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I'm off to get started (again) on organizing the shop. Got a dump done ran for the wife yesterday between the football games but that's about it. I'll check in later have a Great Day!
Here's our place from the satellite view. We have a perfect area for a garage/shop on the north side of the house. Access from the alley would be perfect. We could even incorporate a patio/fire pit area and a screened in porch that the wife has been mentioning but the wife says NO!!! I should draw up some plans that she would like that would include a shop that she couldn't see from the house.
