Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sucks! I have to wear a mask and walk to all the blocks...can't breath with them on and walking hills. Inmates on edge with lots of fights
I cant even imagine it in there. I hear spitting on a person is becoming common for a fight.
So little to do, so much time...
So a woman got arrested for ignoring the self-isolation guidelines. $1000-2500 fine and 6 months in jail.
Fines can go as high as $750,000 for not following the rules.
Crazy, eh?
Cases in manitoba went from 21 to 35 yesterday.
Watching the news I guess PA is looking for retired and just qualified nurses for the hospitals. Getting serious here I guess.
So little to do, so much time...
So a woman got arrested for ignoring the self-isolation guidelines. $1000-2500 fine and 6 months in jail.
Fines can go as high as $750,000 for not following the rules.
Crazy, eh?
Cases in manitoba went from 21 to 35 yesterday.
We had 3 in the county yesterday, now 10.
They are not locked up in cells at all. They are given blockout almost all day. I had to talk to a couple guys on the block and when I was there almost ol of the 6 guys are out of their cell. No room to practice the social distancing but while I am talking to the 2 guys another inmate that hates me kept walking up behind me. So I was trying to watch him from my back eyes. The one guy I was talking to said is something bothering you. I said yea....Hyatt hates me because I fired him from his job...the guy I was talking to said Mr. Price don't you worry about it. I will watch him for you and he is not going to touch you! I felt a little better but was still nervous.
Morning all. Get to change out hydraulic popit valves in the jacking system for the legs. Think of them as one way check valves. One set closes if you only run one pump so you dont back spin the 2nd pump. We normally run both though.
@halifaxhops next time you talk to OMR, tell him I'm sorry for not seeing his email for 3 weeks, it slipped thru the cracks. I tried to reply but that email apparently turned off ;)
Good morning coffee crew, sun has popped out this morning and will be shining all day at 70 degrees.
Hope all is well with all my coffee crew friends today.
Got the radiator lowered down another inch, I think I am good to go by looking at these two pictures


Picture 222 092.jpg
time to crank up the tunes and get to cleaning shop.
move batteries and start charging them.
get the stuff out of the way,one customer is going to want her mustang out of storage soon..