Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah, I talked to my engine guru and he said the higher power engines will be doing work to the main caps anyway and the difference in thickness won't make much difference.

They are really rare and sought after though, so I'm not sure the price is wrong for the market.

Not worth it for me, though.
Have one I would sell for a lot less, but shipping would kill the savings.
Driveshaft in. Forgot the original slip yoke is bad. Barracuda made a donation. I probably have another. Somewhere.
Work an hour, brake for 15 minutes. Oh ya, forgot. Grease it...
Cooler in. Still forgot to grease driveshaft. Brb.
Sucker took 10 pumps.
Now i can lower car and finish timing cover. Then electrical connections. Oh boy!
Oh No!
Munich has cancelled Octoberfest! Not a good sign of things (not) to come. :(
Well it could be worse, you could be looking out your window right now wondering WTF when will it ever quit snowing? Oh wait that’s what I’m doing.
Its been some wierd weather the last couple days! Wind, Rain, Sun, Dark all in an hour and repeating.. That was just last evening.. Today its beautiful out and looks to be about 70, but the wind makes it bitter and 45* out.
Just finished checking out a customers power washer and chain saw. This guy cant change a spark plug. Carb on power washer was so gummed up, and couldnt get the brass tower out of it to clean. So I told him it needs a new carb, and a person to store it with Stabil...Ordered a carb, be here in a few days $25..not bad.. Chainsaw had chain hanging off of it. Ran tho. Chain brake was all F'd up. so disassembled that and repaired it . Ok now... No Beer..takin a break again.....Maybe a Nice Cigar and some Iced Tea......
So Electric bill was high, I have a 50 thousand solar setup. not supposed to have any bill. , Well, investigating found a burned to hell connection box and wires. Loose connections most likely cause. Called who installed it, sorry out of warranty. Bull ****....

So Electric bill was high, I have a 50 thousand solar setup. not supposed to have any bill. , Well, investigating found a burned to hell connection box and wires. Loose connections most likely cause. Called who installed it, sorry out of warranty. Bull ****....

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Lucky the place didnt burn down.. That is complete B.S!
So Electric bill was high, I have a 50 thousand solar setup. not supposed to have any bill. , Well, investigating found a burned to hell connection box and wires. Loose connections most likely cause. Called who installed it, sorry out of warranty. Bull ****....

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Good thing your house didn't burn to the ground ...
Agree. Those burned up wires are a 4 gauge wire! They feed about 100 ft underground to solar array. Have to be short to re use...
Refineries will still meet the demand. The issue is no storage right now to take it. Hard to shut down a oil field not just a switch. The president said he wil top off the reserves first time since the 50's I believe.
I am working on getting out of the oilfield but what we do has to happen no matter what.
During 2012-2014 I know for a fact that investers were manipulating the market price when I was so high.
1. You could rent the absolute biggest tankers for $15,000.00 a day.
2. There were between 5-8 of those things anchored offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.
3. The game was once the price hit x. They would unload 2-3 tankers. And the price would drop. They would then purchase the contents of a tanker mid Atlantic and it would start over again. That is why they were able to keep the price so high. Once OPEC got to throwing thier weight around and tried to cripple the US oil production the shale oil actually made some major tech advances and it became cheaper to produce Sweet Crude instead of buying Sour Crude. Offshore and my industry is dieing off.
There is also more aspects to the whole game but those are ones I know of first hand.
Got my alt bushing figured out,
Found one that was 1/4” too long, chucked it in lathe. Wouldnt touch it. Grinder.
So glued gaskets to cover, letting it set. Guess i could start connecting electrical stuff. Kinda nervous about energizing it though.