Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not to bad here a few stores are curbside only. Has not really affected me YET! Just think round two will be a *****!
we started phase two last week, phase 3 on Memorial day. they're keeping the numbers hush hush all of a sudden around here
And I stay in the red because of all the Bass tards from Philly in the one prison. That's Bull spit. And they were to go back to Philly but they refused to take them. I say book a bus and just let them out. I am sure they will go back on their own
Yep I used to really like going to Home Depot and Lowe's. Right now it's been a nightmare lines and overcrowded. I think because a lot of other stores were closed. I haven't been in about a week. Hopefully a little better now that a lot of other things are opening up.
Yep I used to really like going to Home Depot and Lowe's. Right now it's been a nightmare lines and overcrowded. I think because a lot of other stores were closed. I haven't been in about a week. Hopefully a little better now that a lot of other things are opening up.
that and like me, a lot of people are working from home, so their spouses think that means they have extra time to do honey to do lists. combine it with spring time peak project time for those stores and yeah, very long lines.
Good Morning All! More yard work/dirt work for me today.
Think I will head outside soon and clean weeds out of a couple areas. Maybe stack some more wood. Might mow 'the dogs area' but want to wait on the rest. Probably do the whole thing Wed or so. Before it rains again Fri/Sat.
Think I will head outside soon and clean weeds out of a couple areas. Maybe stack some more wood. Might mow 'the dogs area' but want to wait on the rest. Probably do the whole thing Wed or so. Before it rains again Fri/Sat.
its a steady rain here. Work has nothing for me to do at the moment, I may go have a date with the dart.
The entire situation is under the control of the Bureau of Misinformation.
i'll be honest, adding 25% to our national debt over this has me very concerned. Even more so if they do this 3 trillion dollar BS.
Time for another cup. I thought it was supposed to be nice today. It looks dreary.
Where and when? Might be able to meet somewhere.
We will be staying in the Gunnison area but doing Day trips from there. I want to try and make it a point to visit you and Rainy-The Princess if possible. Should be around the 15th.
Time for another cup. I thought it was supposed to be nice today. It looks dreary.
That's what we got yesterday. Doesn't look much different today, but originally yesterday was supposed to be dry and rain today. I'd blame it on weather forecasters working from home, but that would give them too much credit for when they are at work. LOL
We will be staying in the Gunnison area but doing Day trips from there. I want to try and make it a point to visit you and Rainy-The Princess if possible. Should be around the 15th.
I have a cousin in Gunnison. I need to vacation down there sometime. Drive across Nebraska and then take a left in Denver. LOL
It's Mercury Monday!


Good morning :D
@halifaxhops I am scared about the OP in the electrical terminal thread. He can't tell the difference between male and female connectors. :BangHead::BangHead:
@halifaxhops I am scared about the OP in the electrical terminal thread. He can't tell the difference between male and female connectors. :BangHead::BangHead:
wow... i thought i was bad.

then, again, is the OP from California, New York, Illinois? Or even North Carolina? I hear a lot of people having that issue down there. :lol:
@halifaxhops I am scared about the OP in the electrical terminal thread. He can't tell the difference between male and female connectors. :BangHead::BangHead:
And it looks like a late 60s wiring and radio. I can tell you from the harness in my car that there is very little extra wire, in some cases none, to cut off and crimp a new terminal.
Morning all. Should have the last of the facia up on the house today. Looks like the rain out days last week will keep me from installing the metal roof.