It's Hump Day!
With 4 workdays to go its just the wrap up of a crazy Tuesday to me. LOLIt's Hump Day!
I hear ya Keith. I get to go home today. Lord willing and the creek dont rise.With 4 workdays to go its just the wrap up of a crazy Tuesday to me. LOL
It's Hump Day!
Hopefully my wife. TMI?What are you going to hump?
LoL ..... everything cool over here, for the moment..How are you doing Rainy?
Is their another kit you recommend instead?It will work, but I have that kit and the center hole in the degree wheel is larger than the vibration damper bolt...
I used it to degree a bunch of cams, but it's difficult to line up the hole on center by hand/eye... I did go to a local home improvement store and find some bushings that I can use to adapt the hole down to the damper bolt diameter for my next go round....
Tons of knowledge here and go into the "how to" pages Karl has a awesome thread on building a la.Can I count on help from you guys here when it comes time to open up my 360?
And a happy morning back to ya Tike!Good Morning everyone
Posted over a month ago...send Mitch down. The guy may deal by nowMorning guys cold and windy today, figures.
if this was closer I would be on it.