Stop in for a cup of coffee

Air jack didnt get orange paint. Went all black. Will assemble in morning.

Fed ex dropped it off today.
Hopefully they didn't "drop it" off. :rofl:
At least they didn’t throw it in the dog pen like the last two UPS orders... if they do that again with my next order, I swear, I may drag the ups driver out of his truck Grand Theft Auto style.
:poke: @Mopar Tim did you get your shoesb

last one, I promise :rofl:

yeah yeah yeah I know, you’ll never deliver anything to me again but this was too awesome to pass up

Whoever thought it was a good idea to fill new cars with 10mm bolts everywhere is evil. Like satan himself, evil.

4, 10 mm headed bolt, 3.5 inches long, holding the a/c compressor on. Corroded and need BIG TIME torque to break. Well, I don't have a 1/2 drive socket that goes as small as 10mm

All the 10 mm wrenches are shorty sized.

Ugh. Then I finally get my hand between the fan assembly and a/c compressor (front wheel drive car) to find out someone rounded the bolt head of the hardest one to get to.

New cars and 10mm bolt heads. Evil i tell you, evil
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I only had to work a 12 hour shift today (4am to 4 pm) so I had time to fiddle with a front wheel drive car for forty minutes and then tear down my latest free slant

Its a beauty. ...

Whoever thought it was a good idea to fill new cars with 10mm bolts everywhere is evil. Like satan himself, evil.

4, 10 mm headed bolt, 3.5 inches long, holding the a/c compressor on. Corroded and need BIG TIME torque to break. Well, I don't have a 1/2 drive socket that goes as small as 10mm

All the 10 mm wrenches are shorty sized.

Ugh. Then I finally get hand between the fan assembly and a/c compressor (front wheel drive car) to find out someone rounded the bolt head of the hardest one to get to.

New cars and 10mm bolt heads. Evil i tell you, evil
My life’s story raini!
Stuck,broken,rounded off. Lately,other than that f150 i have been pretty lucky.
Around here, our hospitals went from zero patients with Covid, to max capacity in under two weeks. They’re being airlifted to other hospitals. ICU is reporting out of ventilators too. Despite the extra ventilators they got over the summer as part of Trumps thing.

gotta say, I said in March itd trickle up thru about June, drop off over the summer and then roar back about September. I was off in the timing of it but this is one time I really wish I was wrong.
My opinion, it appears to have been running quite well..they were all probably the same as the lighter coloured one, maybe coolant discolored them?
Nope looked closer, the light one was a little leaner maybe.
Ok,now show us your pistons!
Looks like a clean engine so far.