Nothing really. Just another go through parts day here I think, unless she has other plans for me.
Good time to do serious searches looking for the parts you still need.I want to go through my parts and car stuff. I'm still on restriction, but hopefully next week she'll start easing up a little...haha!!
I am proud to say (at the current moment) I don't need anything!!Good time to do serious searches looking for the parts you still need.
Hey Guys... I been here all day waiting for y'all....Morning coffee drinkers...fresh pot is on.
Covid recovery requires some daily naps and can really screw with your nighttime sleep now...ugh!!
Oh well I'm up.
Tryin to sneak a cigar here and there. got the window open, bout 30 deg outside......You smoking crack or red bull and jack?
Not really sure yet. But I do know they are more laxed in VN. I will have all the documents from here, and there should only be about 4-5 days before I get there. We will see....So Mitch when your 14 days is up and you go to VN another 14 days??
I just can't see one of those countries honoring another's quarantine.
Korea has some great food and some not so great like roast dog, which actually is not bad.So they just bring you your meals?? Is there a menu, or is it get what you get??
So you have a choice, or get what they bring you that meal??Korea has some great food and some not so great like roast dog, which actually is not bad.
Its like prison. You can choose when you get here . Korean food or Halal,or vegetarian, or western. Then they just bring you whatever is on the menue, place it on a table outside the door, and they knock on the door to let ya know its there. Put trash out every morning for pick up. Can not leave the room. Today both of my early meals showed up cold. I called about it. Tonight they gave me a warm meal, Korean.So they just bring you your meals?? Is there a menu, or is it get what you get??
Oh, I will. I'm on a MISSION.....Hope you finally get there.
Oh there were plenty of deployments with tv in a foreign language. I just turned the volume off.That just reminded me. In Romania we were not allowed to leave the hotel grounds, got booring fast. Started watching Rambo first blood with the roommate. Cool some thing in english. Got 1/2 way through it and it was not in english at all. Some script there!Gondola jousting was great though!