Stop in for a cup of coffee

another layer of snow overnight...

Just took some ibuprofin to help numb the pain in my neck so I can try to clear the driveways in a bit...

If I get ambitious, I may test the new faucet and see if it works better on hot before pulling the old one out... I want to be sure that it works before wrenching my nick climbing under the sink to replace it...
Your neck pain cause you any headaches? I’ve been having both neck pain and headaches every morning since the neck pain started right around thanksgiving
First kill with a bow. Quieter but I think I prefer the rifle.
We have a problem with them here, people feeding them.


Your neck pain cause you any headaches? I’ve been having both neck pain and headaches every morning since the neck pain started right around thanksgiving

No headaches, but my swallowing/choking is getting a little better, not gone, but not as bad as it was... I still have to take smaller bites and chew it more before I swallow... If it gets a little hung up on the way down, it works its way through if I take a break and let it...
I gotta go blow the driveways... Not sure if there's enough for the snow blower to get, but I'll give it a try...
We have a problem with them here, people feeding them.

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There was a program here, when the winters are harsh and deep snow, there were feeding stations.
I had a pile of soy beans in my back yard from the farmer that rents my land, and a few deer took advantage of the easy pickins. This is a very good year for them here, not too cold and very little snow.
Front brakes done. Rear drums and shoes look like a pass, but evidence of wheel cylinders seeping. So i will go ahead and replace them.
And waiting for parts. 2:00 pm tomorrow. So i have to scrounge some sheet metal for body patches.
Just a little warmer than expected today so hardly any ice this morning like yesterday. Steady rain melted any that was left. A little sleet mixed in on way to work, but roads are good. Just dark and dreary, saw some street lights on...