Stop in for a cup of coffee

I guess you all are done for the night.......Only 6:46 pm here........
Its just the nature of the hobby, there’s a junkyard down the ways from me a bit that has over half a dozen 55-57 chevys. Mostly complete, would make for awesome projects, but they’re all 4 doors. So no one wants them
A local guy did some videos on 2 door conversions. Looks do-able by the average home bodyman.
Funny you say that. This was in my YouTube feed last night and of course I watched it because I watch videos about cars because that's all I want to think about.... always

This guy is like the energizer bunny! He doesent stop.
Hes in winnipeg, do a local guy.
Done replying to last night’s comments.except for one subject. Not my circus. goodmorning!
23f this morning.
-5 celcius.
A little prep and then some body filler.
After yesterday, something a little lighter to get your day going...Good Morning!!

Jeez. My best friend’s daughter just posted something on facebook regarding coronavirus, claiming its fearmongering instituted by our government. I just had a rant. I dont think she likes me anymore...
Received a radiator core support from Lee Robinson, no complaints ever with that guy, great to deal with and properly represents what he sells. This part is going in with the car to the body shop, whenever that happens. May have it blasted and primed first.
Dam, my neck is still sore today... :BangHead:

I think I'm running a fever.... :(
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Something like that. She strongly believes they are fudging the numbers,blaming every fatality on corona. Because nobody is dying from the flu.

I asked a co-worker yesterday how his Christmas was, he responded that he normally has his Dad and Mom over near that time for their anniversary. This year a week before they came they told him they weren't feeling well, he had them go get tested, positive. His 85 year old Dad ended up in the hospital for 2 days, kind of touch and go but they both made it. Happening in large numbers here.
Can I cut my neck off and splice my head directly on top of my shoulders???
Good Morning Everyone. More freezing fog. Trees are really looking cool. Frost crystals all over everything.


Good Morning Everyone. More freezing fog. Trees are really looking cool. Frost crystals all over everything.

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One part i miss about my old job, the tours into the park, with miles of roads all with views of frost and snow in the trees. A nice scenic tour.
To do the loop, is about 7 hours.
Had to drive it once/month to take well water samples.
Seeing this makes me miss my Dalmatian(s) more... They have some real character... I like when they talk to you....

Did Timmy fall in the well????