Stop in for a cup of coffee

Gettin there!
Morning, Coffee, I need Coffee. Puppy was an terror last night, 2am time to play, older dogs scattered so on me. Floors are done so today we move furniture back in, can't wait. Mid 70s today so that won't be to bad.
So just got the email, it’s official. Carlisle is out for me, at least as I originally planned.
Short versions, my team consists of two people right now, myself and another. The other guy had medical episode involving his kidneys, so he’s out the next 8-12 weeks. Work revoked my pre-approved vacation time as we have a project due the following Wednesday and with this gentleman being out now.

I’m exploring the option of flying out Friday afternoon and renting a car and hanging out all day Saturday, then driving said rental back home.

Wow, that kinda sucks. Know you're not asking but if it was me I'd go cause sounds like it might be a bit of a grind till your co-worker heals up.

that’s why I’m trying to find said flight. Gotta figure out the logistics of it.
Good morning men. Wow, it has been nice and cool here, About the only place in the country.
It won't be long before California starts an environmental tax to live in those nice weather locations. :rofl:
Probably just do a quick vacuum and clean the windows in the Neon before I move it to the front by the road with a 'For Sale' sign. Want to get that done before it gets much hotter out. Think I'll ask $1M and let them talk me down. LOL

To cheap. Must be something wrong with it.:poke:
Surprised they don’t have a tax on sunlight out there

I bet they are banking on Gates creating his atmosphere as he has said. Create clouds to help cool the earth to change the global warming issues. They maybe then can sell you sunlight.... Maybe just me, but I remember reading in school that where I stand right now, was under a Mile thick sheet of ice. Maybe it was Gates in a previous life that did that?
I bet they are banking on Gates creating his atmosphere as he has said. Create clouds to help cool the earth to change the global warming issues. They maybe then can sell you sunlight.... Maybe just me, but I remember reading in school that where I stand right now, was under a Mile thick sheet of ice. Maybe it was Gates in a previous life that did that?
They figure out how to modify weather large scale and we're all f'ked.
Anyone remember how dirty the factories and cars where that the dinosaurs had. Musta been really bad, was so warm everywhere. Then they shut them all down and froze to death.....