Stop in for a cup of coffee

Meanwhile I told HOPPY I want to ditch the points dizzy on the soon to be new motor. So he sent me home with a bag of goodies, and a he will build me a dizzy when he gets the final motor specks:D

Not a super productive day but not bad for a holiday weekend... Got the steps loaded with wood -will probably stack downstairs tomorrow. Re-split more of the stuff I bought that's a bit oversized. Cleaned up the stones at the end of the driveway so they don't get picked up by the snowblower if ever needed...
Not a super productive day but not bad for a holiday weekend... Got the steps loaded with wood -will probably stack downstairs tomorrow. Re-split more of the stuff I bought that's a bit oversized. Cleaned up the stones at the end of the driveway so they don't get picked up by the snowblower if ever needed...

I started the day with good intentions... then ditched that and went driving instead.
What's happening at your house? Sitting around at mother in laws watching Christmas movies and waiting for family to arrive from Chicago.
I did nothing after getting water line thawed and replacing sequencer in my electric furnace.
Had enough Christmas movies this past week. Watched 'Don't look up' earlier, and now Chaos
We’ve watched Home 1 and 2(the rest are junk) and Polar Express so many times, I think I could recite the lines word for word. Yeah Diehard 1 and 2 as well.

Christmas with the Kranks is rapidly becoming a top favorite of mine. And of course, we continued our tradition of 24 hours of a Christmas Story. We even have a family set of Christmas T shirts with quotes from A Christmas Story on them.
Watching Christmas movies.... Die hard, Polar express, and a few others....
We took down the tree already, a rare thing as normally we leave it up for a week or two after. But we also put it up 3 weeks sooner than we ever have so I guess it evens out.
We’ve watched Home 1 and 2(the rest are junk) and Polar Express so many times, I think I could recite the lines word for word. Yeah Diehard 1 and 2 as well.

Christmas with the Kranks is rapidly becoming a top favorite of mine. And of course, we continued our tradition of 24 hours of a Christmas Story. We even have a family set of Christmas T shirts with quotes from A Christmas Story on them.
You need to watch Krampus
Yeah, I'm remorseful, But I got a lot on my plate here, wrapping up loose ends and such. Praise the Lord, my Son will take Gunner..Maybe next year...

Your son's taking Gunner next year???

Who's going to take him this year???