Yes.A little too much resistance?
And I was having a hard time accepting the facts.
It was only really showing up when the loads were high, like wipers and headlights with brakes on.
Then the battery would take over. Sometimes it would happen with lesser loads - it was a little inconstant but I'll get back to that.
The bulkhead connection looked good on the engine side and it was hard to fathom the wleded splice failing.
Really the only place left to re-examine befoer taking the A/C ducts off and getting under the dash was the ring terminal at the alternator.
Its funny how the damage was all in the wire and not any in the crimp.
So the inconsistant part.
When I was at the garage the other day I checked the battery voltage and it was low.
Today I get in and first thing I do is measure it again, and its even a little lower 12.1 V.
Connect the multimeter to the negative since I'm pulling it off anyway, and the battery post.
Sure 'nuf 12 mA
Could that be the clock?
I really can't think of anything else.
when I next get a chance I'll pull the fuse for it and see what happens.
Anyway, the Barracuda is off the road before salt and brine goes on it. That was my worry.
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