Stop in for a cup of coffee

What’s to know? Brace it, cut old out, weld new in, remove braces
Easy for you to say. LOL YOu have a shop, welder and tools. Sounds like the OP didn't have a clue or the tools to make it happen. I later responded to do some homework before just asking how. A lot of newbies do that. Too lazy to look things up themselves. I even suggested a restoration thread here so he could see how it was done and decide whether it's something he could or should do himself.
Got the horses fed and the dogs walked. Now for coffee and breakfast, then off to honey do's.
So you are saying you threw the horses over the fence some hay, correct? Kind of a french-canadian saying.
Just did a test fire! It runs. Now to finish up a few things. Coolant and stuff.
Caught a few minutes to respond. @RustyRatRod cant seem to catch a break on Mexico but doing good. Will be stopping in to see you in April on the way to South Carolina.
As far as Carlisle (think I spelled that right) I am schedualed to be off on those dates but will be up in the air once we head to Mexico. If I have the time off I will come to meet the guys, if not we will see.
Easy for you to say. LOL YOu have a shop, welder and tools. Sounds like the OP didn't have a clue or the tools to make it happen. I later responded to do some homework before just asking how. A lot of newbies do that. Too lazy to look things up themselves. I even suggested a restoration thread here so he could see how it was done and decide whether it's something he could or should do himself.
Not exactly. Right now, I’m shopless.
If there is room, could have a Hoppy's meter clinic with @MOPARMITCH and a Hoppy headlight alignment service with @zkx14
Also could do Dizzy measurement service (no adjustment, no repair) if there's power. It would be extra cash and maybe help sell some equiment. Yes I'm volunteering.
If there is room, could have a Hoppy's meter clinic with @MOPARMITCH and a Hoppy headlight alignment service with @zkx14
Also could do Dizzy measurement service (no adjustment, no repair) if there's power. It would be extra cash and maybe help sell some equiment. Yes I'm volunteering.
There is power, I bring my generator...
Easy for you to say. LOL YOu have a shop, welder and tools. Sounds like the OP didn't have a clue or the tools to make it happen. I later responded to do some homework before just asking how. A lot of newbies do that. Too lazy to look things up themselves. I even suggested a restoration thread here so he could see how it was done and decide whether it's something he could or should do himself.
66 B body uses a 2 piece trunk floor.... Easier to put in....and this car will be as close to 100 percent as I can get it. No stop sign body panels....
Maybe we can use it to generate some money and edumacation.
Not my toys but figured I'd throw it out there.
This will be the first year I will noy be making fuel money, I usually have a trailer load for Mark, friend near Hoppys. Bringing my Dart instead. Xtra money would be nice!!!
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Keith has the Hopkins Headlight kit. No power needed for that.
The challenge setting that up is having a consistant hieght for all four wheels.
After level is determined, I think a two headlight car could be done every half hour without hustling.
Keith has the Hopkins Headlight kit. No power needed for that.
The challenge setting that up is having a consistant hieght for all four wheels.
After level is determined, I think a two headlight car could be done every half hour without hustling.
Problem there is where to do it. Cars can’t move around the vendor area during the show.. And only the lane is paved - don’t think they would like us blocking that.
But anyone wants to use it is welcome..
Keith has the Hopkins Headlight kit. No power needed for that.
The challenge setting that up is having a consistant hieght for all four wheels.
After level is determined, I think a two headlight car could be done every half hour without hustling.
Only problem I see from my observation. Having been there, is twenty guys watching, nobody paying.
Good idea though.
Keith has the Hopkins Headlight kit. No power needed for that.
The challenge setting that up is having a consistant hieght for all four wheels.
After level is determined, I think a two headlight car could be done every half hour without hustling.
I need my Dart done.....