Stop in for a cup of coffee

I call them stripers darnit! Was born and raised calling them that and I am to old to change my vocabulary now! LOL
I call them stripers darnit! Was born and raised calling them that and I am to old to change my vocabulary now! LOL

A good friend of mine runs a Charter Boat on the bay. WE should get 6 FABO guys together and do a Fishing Day Trip with him. He will definitely put you on the Fish.
Wish I could a boat would really screw with me now with the dizziness. I used to live for striper fishing. Caught thousands of them at my dads place April-may then sept-Oct.
Wish I could a boat would really screw with me now with the dizziness. I used to live for striper fishing. Caught thousands of them at my dads place April-may then sept-Oct.

Yup, Thats pretty much the season here also.
Morning everyone. Doc moved me to minimum risk so I have full access to visitors and the web. Get out now Tuesday. Mitch a fish trip with me and hoppy. two vertigo guys feeding the fish. LOL
Morning everyone. Doc moved me to minimum risk so I have full access to visitors and the web. Get out now Tuesday. Match a fish trip we me and hoppy to vertigo guys feeding the fish. LOL

Good news sounds like you will get work release!

X2 on feeding the fish it would be a waste of beer!:D
Morning everyone. Doc moved me to minimum risk so I have full access to visitors and the web. Get out now Tuesday. Mitch a fish trip with me and hoppy. two vertigo guys feeding the fish. LOL

Great, Git outa jail card ! Hope you're feeling better Wolfie !
I will be missed here for sure. I have been a sort of one man magic show to entertain myself. The rising willy show is always a big hit with the female staff.
Ok, I gotta roll. Go to Breakfast , and a morning meeting, Then off to Garage Land.
Hey paid for the valiant and the guy is bringing it here this week. Mitch you need a 8 tractor? Neighbor is doing a barn cleanout and it is pretty much all there.
Hey paid for the valiant and the guy is bringing it here this week. Mitch you need a 8 tractor? Neighbor is doing a barn cleanout and it is pretty much all there.

Nah, Thanks... Waaaay too many things/vehicles to upkeep now. Still lookin for that IHC water pump tho.
Talked to the old guy Harry he has no clue where to get one. Suggested a inline electric if you cant find one.
That engine come on any farm equipment? We have a farm junkyard about a mile away from here.
A good friend of mine runs a Charter Boat on the bay. WE should get 6 FABO guys together and do a Fishing Day Trip with him. He will definitely put you on the Fish.

Id be in for that. Never got to do this. Signed up for one a few years ago and they cancelled cause not enough people.:protest:
It's been busy around here, I did not know Old man ray was in the hospital , Hay !! Ray !! You doing ok buddy ? looks like you are on the better side of bad from what I am reading.
Having a few bad days but struggling through it. The back deck just seems like it is kicking my ***. The guys put the decking in now I need to finish the trim seems like I am always waiting for paint to dry! LOL Thanks for asking though.
Good morning all. Got my car dragged back here with no issues. Had a little time to poke around at the Duster when I got home. Checking what I need to do to the door guts. Mostly just pull everything out and spray rust reformer inside. Have an extra set of glass I will check today. I think they are better than the scratched ones in it now. Need to drill for the 'new' mirror on passenger side. Will be looking for a set of window sweeps 'fuzzies' at Carlisle.