Stop in for a cup of coffee

When did this happen? 9 million views. I must have been napping! :lol::lol:
Score any goodies in the swap? We’re up in Door County, too bad it wasn’t closer to us I would have liked to go

No goodies and typically don't find much at this one. Just walk around and look at all the stuff. Door County is great. Have a great time!
Today is the last Sunday of ushering until December at church today. We are loosing our Senior Pastor. He is answering a call at a church in Minnesota somewhere. He will be missed. He is good. I wondered what was going on last Sunday. His wife was quite upset and crying.
Coffee is about done. Yea! Couldn't get to sleep until 1:30 or so. I see a long nap in my afternoon future.
Holley decided it was poopin time at 3am. Then took her good old time getting it done.So I lost about half hour of sleep in the middle of the night. :BangHead:Good Morning
Part of the asphalt plant I used to run. Took the photo for the twin Barn Owl chicks right in the middle of the photo :lol:
The cone shaped device on the right, part of the dust collecting system, HIGH WEAR area from the inside out. I had to patch the upper portion, for some strange reason I decided to paint it and I had about a pint of Euclid Green/Sublime that I found in a cabinet and had better use for that space so I used it :lol:. A pint covered a lot of cyclone :lol:. Bout a week later the area manager stops by to visit us at the plant, he didn't often leave his office in the next county, he had a very attractive assistant :rolleyes:. "You gotta cover that bright green paint up! You can see it from the next county!"
Storage stuff today. Organizing quonset first. Lots of stuff that doesent need to be there.