Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning I'm here. Cooler weather makes sleeping weather and all feels great!!
Looks like rain in the forecast. Crap! Oh well, i will get stuff done indoors then. Think it will be a late start though. Slept in some.
Ambassador bridge closed , suspicious package !




Good morning folks. Starting off at a cool 74 degrees this morning. Just got back from morning workout. Now for a nice omelette and one more cup of the magic brown juice (maybe with a shot of something extra).
Morning all. Waking up here in Branson after an awesome weekend. 75-80% of tge cars at this event were Mopars.
See what happens. So she parks her blazer in the back yard a few days ago t take groceries in, left the back door wide open, has a dead battery right where the ground is a sponge no way I am taking a truck to jump it. If I run a charger to it way to much risk. Oh the joys of marriage! Just looked at it stone dead. Jump pack wont even do it.
You need one of these, this thing is bad ***.
Nice and cool on my morning walk with the critters, now sitting here with my coffee. Don't know what I'm going to do today.
A headline off the internet today...I just want to know what car she's driving??
who's feeling sorry for her?? :lol:

‘I’m paycheck to paycheck.’ I make $350K a year, but have $88K in student loans, $170K in car loans and a mortgage I pay $4,500 a month on. :wtf: Do I need professional help?​

A headline off the internet today...I just want to know what car she's driving??
who's feeling sorry for her?? :lol:

‘I’m paycheck to paycheck.’ I make $350K a year, but have $88K in student loans, $170K in car loans and a mortgage I pay $4,500 a month on. :wtf: Do I need professional help?​

She needs help all right.
So. Nissan in for repairs after safety. Had a buddy replace calipers, rotors and pads. Left rear wheel first. Incorrect brake pads, little nubs not allowing caliper to sit correct. Just ground nubs off. No grease on guide pins. Anti-sieze on caliper mounting bracket instead of locktite. Beat on rotor and bashed one wheel stud,and hit hub center causing it to not allow wheel to seat properly. Did not clean flaking corrosion off back of wheel mounting surface. And didnt replace dust plug for e-brake adjuster hole. Wheel nuts way overtorqued.
How much can a person screw up in one brake job??

Im not one to criticize a man’s work,but flipping burgers is probably beyond his ability…
Hope the front is better.
So. Nissan in for repairs after safety. Had a buddy replace calipers, rotors and pads. Left rear wheel first. Incorrect brake pads, little nubs not allowing caliper to sit correct. Just ground nubs off. No grease on guide pins. Anti-sieze on caliper mounting bracket instead of locktite. Beat on rotor and bashed one wheel stud,and hit hub center causing it to not allow wheel to seat properly. Did not clean flaking corrosion off back of wheel mounting surface. And didnt replace dust plug for e-brake adjuster hole. Wheel nuts way overtorqued.
How much can a person screw up in one brake job??

Im not one to criticize a man’s work,but flipping burgers is probably beyond his ability…
Hope the front is better.
"My neighbor is a mechanic"
I did finally find this thread. Too late for coffee though. I'm going to share a few pics of me in the hospital. In the first week they called in the family twice because my organs were failing, and I might die.

the day they cut down the drugs and let me wake up.jpg

I'm going to post a few pics in no particular order.
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Whether it's me or somebody else, when somebody finally has enough of 68Cuda416, somebody's gonna rip him a new one. Yall have been warned.
I did finally find this thread. Too late for coffee though. I'm going to share a few pics of me in the hospital. In the first week they called in the family twice because my organs were failing, and I might die.

View attachment 1715993566
I'm going to post a few pics in no particular order.
Man, we're really pullin for you. Kitty and I have had you on our prayer list for a while now.