Stop in for a cup of coffee

Indoor day here, cold/rainy/windy. Time to spend more time in the shop, gotta turn on the space heater.
Dang, I lost a wheel center cap off my pick up. E bay search on the way.
Snow tire swap onto the Stinger yesterday, had to have 8 hours rest before going back into storm duty, wasn't needed, at least not yet, storm centers still open. Glad we got power back yesterday afternoon, saves on propane. Saw a sign in front of a bar, "Beer is cheaper than Gas, Drink, don't Drive".
I still hear geese outside. Very odd for this time of the year. Farmers almanac says cold and lots of snow.
Wildlife says different. Bees didnt stockpile as much as a typical winter.
The rock farm was a popular place for the geese during migration time. On one side of the property we have the settling pond for the water from the rock plant, a small lake shielded from the wind. On the other side was the property we had leased to the dairy farmer up the street that raised his silage corn on that parcel. After Manuel cut that corn and hauled it to the silage barn that field was loaded with geese pickin' up the scrap corn :lol: . Then just fly their bloated bellies over the plant back to their quiet lake :lol:
I'm out, headed to Arlington for a Pink Floyd/Roger Waters record, check in later, hope all's projects go good today!
Check the oil pressure with a manual gauge or if you wish, replace the sender and see what happens.

Dang, I lost a wheel center cap off my pick up. E bay search on the way.

THey are aftermarket wheels. I will get the paperwork out of the glove box later and check it out.

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Dang, not a replacement cap on the planet. They are MB Motoring Razor wheels and the cap # is 2131607-N. They were installed 6/14/2013 so they are almost 10 years old. I'll just take the caps off and keep my eye out for a stray.

