Stop in for a cup of coffee

Kind of a boring day here I worked a bit on the old truck but was thumbing through some old pictures and thinking about my kids and giving them a bad time the last few years and ran across 2 pictures of painting my sons airplane and I did paint it with a spray gun but texted him pictures of me painting it with a paint brush and he sent me a text back and thought he was gonna have a hemorrhage. Laughed my as off and a good memory.

Kind of a boring day here I worked a bit on the old truck but was thumbing through some old pictures and thinking about my kids and giving them a bad time the last few years and ran across 2 pictures of painting my sons airplane and I did paint it with a spray gun but texted him pictures of me painting it with a paint brush and he sent me a text back and thought he was gonna have a hemorrhage. Laughed my as off and a good memory.
That's great!
Another good memory is having a family shaving cream fight and I always loose but I sure enjoy it.
Got 20 cans of shaving cream for back up so come visit me someday. LOL

Good memories and a happy soul is the best cure for everything that gets us sick.
Yes, and a positive happy smile every morning to start our day, at 64 and getting my first flew shot Yesterday it was a little difficult, but I mustered one for myself , I stay in training that way :lol:
Dang! Fox is running around all over the yard. After resetting my garage camera is
Picking up everything.

Dang! Fox is running around all over the yard. After resetting my garage camera is
Picking up everything.

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My wife dislikes cat, she is truly allergic, so when we set out 3 cameras up last year she didn't realize how many troll our shop area.
I was glad to hear she don't want me to shoot them, she said let the naybors do it... :rofl: she talkes the talk, but will not walk the walk.
Thank you for a great laugh and a smile, winter time is on us, this is the kind of post I enjoyed reading and seeing
Just trying to be stupid Mike and yes winter is a bummer so we all do the best we can to make it better.
Our very creative friend @Fred Scigliano here in North Dakota is only telling you boys 1/2 the story. Him and his boy landed the plane on the road right by his house. Taxied down the street, stopped in front of Fred’s Shop. They then ripped the wings off and wheeled her in! It was classic Fred! You just can’t make this up!
Gooood Morning from Viet Nam.......Looks like another beautiful day here. 94 and party cloudy.....