Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey @MOPARMITCH ... how's the day shaping up?
So far so good. Got up at 4:30 a.m. and took her to her yoga class. Then I went to the local park where the local people will walk and exercise. They have stationary exercise equipment there. Then when I go home later I'll lift weights.
So far so good. Got up at 4:30 a.m. and took her to her yoga class. Then I went to the local park where the local people will walk and exercise. They have stationary exercise equipment there. Then when I go home later I'll lift weights.


I broke my routine when I jacked up my shoulder. Need to get back at it

I broke my routine when I jacked up my shoulder. Need to get back at it
Yeah it's a little tough to stay on routine here as well. Never know when the next party will be. I don't like to work out in the mornings after I've been partying. But I force myself to do that many times. Thankfully no partying for three days
Yeah it's a little tough to stay on routine here as well. Never know when the next party will be. I don't like to work out in the mornings after I've been partying. But I force myself to do that many times. Thankfully no partying for three days

I like to torture myself. Hangover forced workouts make you feel alive
I like to torture myself. Hangover forced workouts make you feel alive
Funny you say that. Last evening around 7:00 she told me her and the daughter were going to go out and get some medicine for the daughter and eat. But when I saw how she was dressed I knew better. I didn't go. I stayed home. They went and partied with friends until 1:00 a.m. I went to sleep at 9:00 p.m. I feel great today. She got home at 1:00 a.m. I forced her to wake up at 4:30 a.m. and go to yoga. I'm trying to teach her a good lesson. If you want to play you got to pay. Lol
Funny you say that. Last evening around 7:00 she told me her and the daughter were going to go out and get some medicine for the daughter and eat. But when I saw how she was dressed I knew better. I didn't go. I stayed home. They went and partied with friends until 1:00 a.m. I went to sleep at 9:00 p.m. I feel great today. She got home at 1:00 a.m. I forced her to wake up at 4:30 a.m. and go to yoga. I'm trying to teach her a good lesson. If you want to play you got to pay. Lol

Embrace the Suck

@Sublime one knows what I mean
Work pissed me off this morning, so I skipped my afternoon meetings haha what they gonna do, fire me?!
Now eating breakfast alone at Cafe Lan. Drinking iced coffee now. You never want to drink this high test stuff on an empty stomach. Always eat first. I learned the hard way a few years ago.
I always eat and drink where the Vietnamese are eating and drinking. When in Saigon or some of the bigger cities where there are a lot of tourists it pays off to only eat where the Vietnamese eat. No problem in my small city since I'm the only white guy is always much better. And less expensive