Stop in for a cup of coffee

As did I. Off Dana point
Earthquakes only when I lived there. Sports radio up here talks with Petros Papadakis, Fox Sports guy from LA area, they were talking about that “land spout” as I think he called it. He’s taken some heat for his comments about hobo’s being washed down the rivers in the floods.
John... you realize this is vandalism right?


@Sublime one

replaced 3 windshields in cars today at work took me 3 and a half hours to complete. Kinda think I'm slowing down a bit.
Use to be running a cold knife pulling it through the urethane and breaking a blade throwing me on my butt not a big deal but now it's a big deal.
replaced 3 windshields in cars today at work took me 3 and a half hours to complete. Kinda think I'm slowing down a bit.
Use to be running a cold knife pulling it through the urethane and breaking a blade throwing me on my butt not a big deal but now it's a big deal.

Slow and easy there partner...

I still can't help myself with just grinding through injuries... but I'm much much better in getting the proper tools to minimize the damage I do to myself :lol:
Started wearing safety glasses and gloves and guess I should start wearing ear protection but can't hear anyway so might not help.
Evening. Just stoped in to check my fan mail, and say hello.
Had a minor setback from my surgery.
Nothing life threatening.
I just was told to stop pushing the envelope. No lifting over ten lbs.
So how do I pee. He said sitting down.
He is a good doc. We relate. So the new rule is don't push a couple hundred pounds around wally mart.
Never to old to learn.
Hope to see a few of you folks this year.
Yep and not working the rest of the week.
Got my jacks for the old truck today to keep the weight of all you fat asses from bottoming out the suspension on my almost 100 year old truck. I'll post some pictures on my idea tomorrow.
Yep and not working the rest of the week.
Got my jacks for the old truck today to keep the weight of all you fat asses from bottoming out the suspension on my almost 100 year old truck. I'll post some pictures on my idea tomorrow.
So what are you trying to say:lol: