Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got warm today. Laid off the pain relievers this morning. Bad day all around. Been pissed off all day too, with my damn DR not putting in the requisition for the imaging. Ya, im no fun to be around today..i dont even like me…
Sorry your having a bad day Frank, hope it gets better soon.
Off to CVMM soon. (Whiskey Tasting) We are exploring Rum tonight. Uncharted territory for me. Tomorrow I am traveling to the state capital to pick up 2 cases of Dancing Goat Rye. A barrel pick from a Fairway food store. I will mule them back for a bunch here that can't get off work. Tomorrow night is the Fireman's Dance at Hudson where I graduated. Saturday morning is the parade, afternoon is the car show and evening is our 50 year class reunion. It's going to be b busy weekend.
**** Mike and I thought I was busy.
Off to CVMM soon. (Whiskey Tasting) We are exploring Rum tonight. Uncharted territory for me. Tomorrow I am traveling to the state capital to pick up 2 cases of Dancing Goat Rye. A barrel pick from a Fairway food store. I will mule them back for a bunch here that can't get off work. Tomorrow night is the Fireman's Dance at Hudson where I graduated. Saturday morning is the parade, afternoon is the car show and evening is our 50 year class reunion. It's going to be b busy weekend.
Wow ! Take your vitamins and drink all the water you can, some cranberry juice and I hear tell spaghetti is good before a full day, so at noon hit a restaurant and relax for 45 minutes, your going to need it
But are you left eye dominant?
Actually I have multi focal implants
The European ones not the crappy American.
Left eye is distance right close up.
The brain sorts it out.
Now Mr one eye you know I had to go there. He is blind .
Just got a call from Summit racing checking on my $$$$ order. Shipping to Sean in NC and they wanted to make sure it was legit. Didn’t know they did that and I appreciate them looking out for their customers :thumbsup:
Frome age 9 to 13 That was how I learned to read, even went threw there ministry school on Thursday night, gave a short talk when I was 12 in front of other children and a few parents, never did Hollidays like Christmas become they was all worldlie things, I am sure you know all about that
Damn Mike about the same here on age and hated it and still do.
Just got a call from Summit racing checking on my $$$$ order. Shipping to Sean in NC and they wanted to make sure it was legit. Didn’t know they did that and I appreciate them looking out for their customers :thumbsup:
Summit is a good company always had good luck with them.
Damn Mike about the same here on age and hated it and still do.
Can't say I ever hated it, I lived in labor camps and didn't go anywhere to meet people, all the beuityful girls was there and I got to eat out on most Thursday nights, learned a lot of the Bible.
Can't say I ever hated it, I lived in labor camps and didn't go anywhere to meet people, all the beuityful girls was there and I got to eat out on most Thursday nights, learned a lot of the Bible.
Yea I learned a lot of the bible from age 23 till I was 47. I would read it all the time and pray lots and go to church lots.
I believe in God I just don't trust the church or a good hand full of people that attend church.
Fred if I wasn't such a nice guy I'd give you a big red X. My wheels still haven't been shipped since April . they have until the 24 th of this month or I'm done with them. Rant over.
WHAT!!! yea give me the red X that's ridiculous.
Been 2019 since I ordered anything from them.
No I wouldn't do that to you Fred . Just my blood boils when they mention Summit.
They have had my money for four months now. Time to move on !!:BangHead:
Yea I agree Mike and seems like when Covid hit that getting anything takes forever to get but 4 months is way to long.
Yea I learned a lot of the bible from age 23 till I was 47. I would read it all the time and pray lots and go to church lots.
I believe in God I just don't trust the church or a good hand full of people that attend church.
One of the worst buisinessmen in town was a big supporter of the church.
We're you taught by nuns by any chance?
So in actual fact no! My Father tried over and over to convert me to right hand. Our family is predominantly left handed. My Father gave up when my sister came along and she is a totally leftie. My opinion, as a result I can do most anything with either hand very comfortably. With exception of cutting meat on a plate, for that the knife must be in left hand or I will scatter meat all over the table! By same token when cutting up a deer I put knife in right hand? It makes no sense, I play hockey left handed but golf right handed! When I got to boot camp and laid down behind the rifle I got promptly kicked in the ribs and told in no uncertain terms the United States Marine Corps did not have wrong handed rifles! Been shooting rifles right handed ever since! And yes @WV64Signet i am strongly left eye dominate!
So today when I went down to the shop to show the Cuda. I haven't been down much the last 6 months with all the doctor Drama.
the neighborhood has degraded considerable in the last few years, but property values have more then tripled in the last 4 or 5. Go figure?
It's a residential, commercial area.
When I got there today I found out that a women , like a lot of neighbors there I've helped over the years. Had passed away. I could see it coming.
She had lost her youngest daughter 3 months ago O.D.
I got a phone call from her on that. can I help with the funeral.
It reall depresses me to even go there anymore.
Not that I'm really a great person, I can be that special Asshole at times. Sorry for the long winded post. Just kind of depresses me.
We all think you're a great guy never doubt that!!
So in actual fact no! My Father tried over and over to convert me to right hand. Our family is predominantly left handed. My Father gave up when my sister came along and she is a totally leftie. My opinion, as a result I can do most anything with either hand very comfortably. With exception of cutting meat on a plate, for that the knife must be in left hand or I will scatter meat all over the table! By same token when cutting up a deer I put knife in right hand? It makes no sense, I play hockey left handed but golf right handed! When I got to boot camp and laid down behind the rifle I got promptly kicked in the ribs and told in no uncertain terms the United States Marine Corps did not have wrong handed rifles! Been shooting rifles right handed ever since! And yes @WV64Signet i am strongly left eye dominate!
Me too while most things are right-handed, I played basketball left-handed. I grew up shooting left-handed even though I'm right eye dominant. Military same thing told shoot right-handed. Police department same thing we're fresh out of left-handed holsters. Now with SWAT being able to shoot left or right-handed was an advantage in some tactical competitions. I can hit a golf ball left-handed. I can hit a softball left-handed. It's just not a big deal.
But are you left eye dominant?
I’m right handed but left eye dominant. But my grandfather taught me to be ambidextrous as much as possible. Hand eye coordination is fairly good with my off hand . Bout the only thing i cant do well with my left hand is write legibility.
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Another southpaw here.
Nice morning, temp is just right i think. Buddy’s transmission showed up. So with any luck we get it in and running today. Then carb gets changed. That reminds me, my eddy is sticking again-pos. Have to pay attention now.