Stop in for a cup of coffee

I don't think I have ever tried it....................
It's actually pretty good. Ate a bunch of it when I was in Seoul. Before I ever ate it, I was told that they bury it in the ground with fish heads to ferment it...Found out, that's not exactly right.... :rofl:
Stopped in the house to get my wallet then off to the yard waste dump across town. I have another load to get rid of then I'll be done outside for today. It's supposed to get up to 100° SUnday and upper 90's next week.

Well I'm done 2 small loads, volunteer trees and Redbud trimmed.
"Numbers Matching" $10k. ??

Sitting waiting at dock, ferry over to vancouver. Then more tourist stuff. For the moment its hurry up and wait.
Sitting waiting at dock, ferry over to vancouver. Then more tourist stuff. For the moment its hurry up and wait.
When I lived in washington would take the ferry up to Vancouver and was a great trip. Vancouver use to be Gods country back then.