Stop in for a cup of coffee

You done good, take tomorrow off! lol
38,821 steps since 0400 Saturday morning. And because of the elevation changes in the two hills I hike to get to my blind, I averaged 56 stories yesterday and today each. My knees gonna feel it tomorrow
I wouldn't want to be. Did too much stupit chit I shouldn't have survived.
I would do it all over again. But instead of blowing money, I’d squirreled it away, not gone to college and just started my own business
Oh and I would have joined the air guard. Or even the Air Force instead.
Good Morning All! Pretty bad when the coffee timer is set for 0330 and you have to manually start it because you're up before that lol!
Monday morning to you all and thanks for the coffee Ben.
Going to be another rainy like day here so I'll have to find something to do.
Whatever you do make it a great day!!
Monday morning to you all and thanks for the coffee Ben.
Going to be another rainy like day here so I'll have to find something to do.
Whatever you do make it a great day!!
You could start tailgating early lol! Should be a great game tonight. Just learned Tyler Lockett (Seahawks receiver) is from K-State, didn't know that.
You could start tailgating early lol! Should be a great game tonight. Just learned Tyler Lockett (Seahawks receiver) is from K-State, didn't know that.
He is a K-Stater. The Lockett family has had a couple players come through the system and go onto the NFL. Tyler though was the best and fun to watch when he played college ball.
He is a K-Stater. The Lockett family has had a couple players come through the system and go onto the NFL. Tyler though was the best and fun to watch when he played college ball.
Didn't know he had siblings, do you know what teams any of them played for? Think Chiefs will have their hands full against Eagles, leaning towards KC to win but wouldn't be surprised if they got upset even though they are at home (I think)
Didn't know he had siblings, do you know what teams any of them played for? Think Chiefs will have their hands full against Eagles, leaning towards KC to win but wouldn't be surprised if they got upset even though they are at home (I think)
Kevin is Tyler's Dad, he was drafted and played for the Chiefs. Kevin's brother Aaron was drafted and played for the Bucs.

ANALYSIS: How the Lockett family trio helped put K-State football back on the map - The Collegian
Didn't know he had siblings, do you know what teams any of them played for? Think Chiefs will have their hands full against Eagles, leaning towards KC to win but wouldn't be surprised if they got upset even though they are at home (I think)
I’m hoping to watch the game tonight. I’m on a sleepless night streak again. If I put the game on I’ll be asleep on the couch. :lol:
I’m hoping to watch the game tonight. I’m on a sleepless night streak again. If I put the game on I’ll be asleep on the couch. :lol:
Well then, I'd recommend that you just sit there and cheer for CHIEFS that will keep you awake!! :thumbsup: