Stop in for a cup of coffee

New family tradition this year. Each of the oldest kids, mom and dad each picked their favorite desert and each made it them selves, my toddler picked ice cream but she’s two haha.

Surfing around looking for drivers side 1/4 glass (rear). It's 18"x42" or something and privacy, getting hard to find for 89 Suburban. Second time it's cracked, not sure what the hells going on.
Check the rear most pillar for cracks. We had one on the farm that was doing that, it’s a 84 but the spot welds on the rear support had rusted or broken allowing the opening to shift
What sucks is we were goking to sons for dinner. Have to bail on it way to dizzy to drive 60 miles each way. Chinese open?
That looks like fun! A little rant here. First she tells me Marlin brings his drain snake out and then she says all he does is take the trap apart. Damn, I could have it fixed by now. :rofl: :rofl:
Nope, further down the line.