Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all. Heading to the range later this morning for my yearly qualification. With being retired law enforcement we qualify yearly for our conceal carry card which is good in most every state. I don't keep track which states aren't with my retired law enforcement card a fellow brother in blue won't really care too much.
My go to travel truck door side pocket weapon Glock 9mm with a 33-round mag :thumbsup:

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My toddy’s usually include tea, bourbon, honey and some lemon. That’s my cure all remedy for a cold.
I'm hung on Skrewball Peanut butter whiskey right now. It's purdy good.

I'm a whooped pup. Been layin laminate flooring the last two nights. Not that I know how, but I'm doin it anyway. lol Almost got it done in the livin room, then it's the bedroom. I'm sore in places I didn't know I had.
Dam tempting but I have access to one to use!
Morning Y'all

Still have some snow/ ice on the back deck... that should be gone over the next couple of days.

Hey, were all the 1978 400 motors the feeble smog ones? Can't recall the name.
You that bad of a shot ?! Haha
Not at all just looks cool. Actually, that magazine has never left the house.
If I was going to a bigger crime city, I might consider taking it. You wouldn't have to worry about a reload though.