Stop in for a cup of coffee

Safety Meeting today, seems like we just had it ha ha. Taking a chance on ferry delay, will check website first, don't feel like driving around. Have a Great Day All!
Gotta love that sideways stuff, wait, no you don't lol! I was up on Mt. Erie yesterday, only a bump that rises from sea level, temp dropped from 37 to 34 and it was snowing at the top for 1/2 of day.
Yup... lol...

I have a fun story about sideways snow in the Swiss alps...

The National Geographic theme song was involved

Good Morning everyone. Winter storm here. Expecting up to a foot of snow and 35mph winds. Will be a crappy day, but is much nicer than next week's forecast. Dropping temps.

Good morning all my snow covered friends. 7 below here but not much snow so I'm good.
Picked one of these up for the wife's car. Pretty cool add fix a flat first then also a air pump.

When I gave the Swinger to my Brat I put a jump starter in the trunk and gave her a lesson. I just knew that one morning she would flood Charlie and run the battery dead :lol:
I am helping our Boy rewrite his resume in preparation for an interview next week. He dropped his retirement package (20yrs) and is on the track to be out at end of the year. He is excited. He got run out by the Woke machine, decided new Army was not for him. I am trying to explain to his thick, stubborn, hard headed self how much of his infantry skills can actually transfer to civilian market. You show me a good platoon leader, and I will show you a guy that can run a Company!