Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have to stream anything CBS as they're fighting with Dish network and no channel 7 here, just found out that includes the Superbowl. Wife said this happened years ago and they resolved their dispute right before the game, think that was Comcast cable
Flashing sign. Got a local wanting it, we will see.

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What is this nonsense? Water is free and crown costs? That is not how I remember it last time I was in your shop! The crown was free! And there was a lot of it! I may have had to pay for water but frankly I don’t remember drinking any water! Quite honestly I don’t remember much other than getting thrashed over and over at pool! And Treva bailing us out with driving. Lord knows we couldn’t! Great visit! See ya come spring Cousin!

I'm off to fill the water bottles, then to Costco with wifey but going to junkyard first to pick up Sub windshield, combined those trips to save gas, long way off the island.
Ya know those ALERTS that we get on the cell phones we get? Amber Alert, Bad Weather, You owe us money :lol: ,etc. I just figgered out another one that should be broadcast to the phones. "SUPER BOWL HALFTIME SHOW IS OVER!" :rofl:
I'll already be in Viet Nam for a week when the Super Bowl airs. If I can't find a place in Vinh Long to watch the game at 6AM :BangHead: , I'll just go up to Saigon for a day or so to catch it at a Sports Bar....:thumbsup:
I have a question for all of you fart smellers.....I mean smart fellers. I am turning a van into a camper so I can drive to the North upon retirement. I have a leak in the AC thats not the problem my problem is alot of the metal lines have rust all over them. Is there a place I can order replacements?