Stop in for a cup of coffee

Windy and a blizzard. Hope no one is stuck on the road tonight.
I agree, wind still howling here. Shop shook all day yesterday. Sucks. Journey and Toto concert tonight, hope it improves for our drive in and home.
Good morning. Lots to backread and no time, how is everyone? Had the hot rods out on Sat. Was a great day. Did a little antiquing. Worked on the Charger a little. Got the Dutchman panel welded in and trunk gutter needs more attention yet but getting there. Also worked on the window plug. More fitting needed I hope to have it close tonight.



Morning gang...

Late night puzzling in the garage.

Going to need to bend up some fuel line for the pump to the carb... also, poking around for some clear photos on the throttle cable attachment point at the carburetor with the MOPAR adapter on... I have that thread bookmarked so I'll do some more reading

Heavy fog this morning down in the valleys. Kinda cool looking over the top of it

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Cracks me up you're wearing a MAC-V SOG t-shirt


Most people have no idea what MACV-SOG is anyhow.

I went on a deployment to Bahrain and Kuwait in 2008. I liked to pack civilian shirts from local stateside business' when I go overseas because someone somewhere will see it and say they've been there or something. Good convo starter.
On this trip I took my "Van's Pig Stand" shirt with a big pig and fork on it. It was completely lost on me until a comrade pointed out that we were in a Muslim country (pork = bad) and I'm wearing this pig shirt everywhere out in town! LOL Lucky I didn't get martyred.
I have a nice LD4B as well. I cycled through a half dozen to get a good one.
I have an aluminum prototype manifold too. Just for fun.

That's cool
Emulates the low- rise cast iron one??
Same blueprint from what I understand. I would imagine they used the same molds. I never found out if they were planning on production or for D Dart use.