Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just Thursday here, buts its got the makings of a nice morning till 2 thirty pm, then stormy weather moves in, 73 and sunny yesterday, same today. Good morning

I met a Vietnamese guy here last year who is an interpreter and an English teacher. Very nice guy, about 49 years old. Anyhow, I met him again for coffee last week and he asked me to come and see his house and his garden with the old family house still on it. There are about three acres of land there, which is huge for land in Vietnam for an individual to own .His father is buried there. Now. The house is under reconstruction. I was impressed by the ornate woodwork that was originally done that they were trying to rectify and restore correctly. It should turn out very nice.






He tells me that the original foundation of the house is over 200 years old. But the original house was burned by his great grandfather when the French were here and he was afraid that they would take it. The existing house that's being refurbished and renovated has been here since 1935
Radiator and alternator installed last night.... Next.. fluids... i am dreading it, expecting the thing to look like a lawn sprinkler.. What's funny is when i was 20 i would build a car in my driveway with parts and whatever money i could scrounge and not worry bout it.. but now i worry bout every bolt and kinda hate it.

Either way.. depending on weather i might try to start it this weekend and see if the trans works :) And if the 62 year old wiring doesn't make a smoke show
Radiator and alternator installed last night.... Next.. fluids... i am dreading it, expecting the thing to look like a lawn sprinkler.. What's funny is when i was 20 i would build a car in my driveway with parts and whatever money i could scrounge and not worry bout it.. but now i worry bout every bolt and kinda hate it.

Either way.. depending on weather i might try to start it this weekend and see if the trans works :) And if the 62 year old wiring doesn't make a smoke show
Awesome! Dont worry about the electrical, sparky hasnt been near it. The other Fargo im starting on this spring has original wiring, and i ran it with no adverse effects. I have a new harness to replace original.
Awesome! Dont worry about the electrical, sparky hasnt been near it. The other Fargo im starting on this spring has original wiring, and i ran it with no adverse effects. I have a new harness to replace original.

Naw, not too worried... the wires are actually still flexible and i will just be chasing dirty connections. Only hooked power to the car for bout 30 seconds once and the radio and heater fan started screaming in pain.. i hope i can get the original radio to work.
About the same as yesterday, lots of snow disappeared yesterday, water started backing up in the ditches,and starting to back up on the road.
Morning. Just a drive thru. Nothing to see here I haven't seen plenty of before. Everyone have a safe day.
Time for a nap.
Morning fellers and fellerettes! I'm off to the Cardiologist this morning to view my check up results from a week ago. We are supposed to get gome rain today. Just may be an inch but we'll take it. (I knew a girl like that once) :rofl:
More terrace work for me today. Nothing like working on a hill on a tractor. It is just enough incline to roll me. My kingdom for a skid steer.

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ROPS up and seat belt on to do that. Reminds me of a drop off just past our back deck, have been trying to add dirt to decrease how steep it is. Terracing or a retaining wall was another option. Looks like you have a great start there for a bucket, are you using the rear grader or box on your tractor for any of it?
ROPS up and seat belt on to do that. Reminds me of a drop off just past our back deck, have been trying to add dirt to decrease how steep it is. Terracing or a retaining wall was another option. Looks like you have a great start there for a bucket, are you using the rear grader or box on your tractor for any of it?
I still don’t have quite enough space created to safely travers the hill right to left, the photo is a bit deceiving as much of the flat is actually crumb. Once I get a bit more cut away I can start going across. For now I am staying perpendicular to the hill face.