Stop in for a cup of coffee

what is this coming off my alternator wire

18 days on this rehab job, and it looks like it's going well. I guess I'll get another pic when it's completed.


Morning.................high 50's yesterday and snow flurries now high of 43 today. Crazy, not going to amount to anything, but I was loving the warm temps.
Same here Scott. Had a VA Apt this am cancelled it prob not a decent day to drive the way I am feeling now.
Again this is on my mind.........................thinking of skipping the Hagerstown swap meet. One reason is the questionable weather, other is I am already registered and paid for the Spring Carlisle show. Maybe a dumb thought but if I sell stuff at Hagerstown, I will have less to take to the BIG show in Carlisle. So many more people and the opportunity to sell everything at Carlisle.
4:00, sheesh. I gad an epiphony last night and now i want to get out to shop and see if it will work. I know it will, its a matter of getting out there and doing it.
I need to form a panel, with a flange to fit cluster to dash. Not a square box like i was originally going to do. Rounded corners and a radiused flange. 1x1 tubing frame,with 1/4” round rod in corners gives me a hammer form.
Morning Ray and Frank. Frank that is my problem and why I don't sleep well I think. My mind is constantly racing with too many thoughts.................
Again this is on my mind.........................thinking of skipping the Hagerstown swap meet. One reason is the questionable weather, other is I am already registered and paid for the Spring Carlisle show. Maybe a dumb thought but if I sell stuff at Hagerstown, I will have less to take to the BIG show in Carlisle. So many more people and the opportunity to sell everything at Carlisle.
Spring Carlisle is a good swap meet. All brands are there. I usually go there and buy. My friends do well there selling each year. They want me to get a space there but I have a limited customer base. Or I can just do meters and timing lights I guess if I did.
Yeah that’s the problem right now. Part of me is ready to be done part of me isn’t. Been doing this my entire adult life. And if you count the JRotc and Civil Air Patrol, I’ve been doing this since I was 12. My body is screaming stop, my brain says keep going. My kids are entering their most active part of their youths, kind of tired of them missing out. Hell I don’t know. I’ve got 15 months left to my 20, but under contract for 27 months yet.
Just make sure they give you have the official letter in hand saying you do indeed have the required "20 good years" for retirement and benefits before you pop smoke. I've seen a few over the years that thought they knew better got excited and left and didn't have their 20 good years. In the National Guard/Reserves that's a mess to fix.
Yeah but they’ve been giving out 50-90k bonuses…. I’ve never gotten one myself. Always fell into a weird timing trap
They send me a bonus check every month...called a retirement check and Tricare for Life it's not bad. I did 33 years for the job I enjoyed, my community and country, the needed money to raise a family and pay the bills, and the health insurance it provided. You can do your 27 months.
They send me a bonus check every month...called a retirement check and Tricare for Life it's not bad. I did 33 years for the job I enjoyed, my community and country, the needed money to raise a family and pay the bills, and the health insurance it provided. You can do your 27 months.

dukeboy440 said:
Yeah but they’ve been giving out 50-90k bonuses…. I’ve never gotten one myself. Always fell into a weird timing trap

Plus @dukeboy440 you are not getting all that money.........................subtract a ton in taxes.