Stop in for a cup of coffee

:rofl: :rofl: Glad I'm not showing you pictures of my car getting ready for MITP.
Hold my beer. 2days ago


Aftermath of last night's party. Party went until about 10:00 p.m. .I was on the end of the table with the most beer cans under it. Unfortunately.
As long as the beer cans are under the table and not you! That looks like a different flavor than I usually see?
Yeah Rich. That's a whole story in itself. For some reason they like to drink Heineken beer here. And they like to drink the small 250 ml cans. Or I guess what would be 10 oz cans in America. I asked a few of them about that a while back. Believe it or not they told me they don't get as drunk drinking those Heineken small cans. Or maybe it's that they can boast that they drank more cans. Laugh my *** off.... I tried explaining to them, but none of them want to listen. Vietnamese people can be very opinionated In their ways... :rofl:
So, most of you know that I go each morning to the community park out by the river to exercise. People walking, people using the exercise equipment, different women's dance groups and exercise groups. Few months ago when I got here I met this guy that walks there everyday. He told me he walks eight loops of the park around the outside each morning. He is ...94 !!!! years old. :thumbsup:
Got up just before 04:00. Hurting, was a rough day yesterday but i got as far as i wanted. Can move door out of the way, and drop hoist. Windshield and back window today i hope. Seeing as its raining, im wondering if my co-fabricator is going to drop in. I could use his help.
I told you all earlier today. There was another party at my house tonight. Usually it's done inside using our karaoke equipment. But that's not the case today. I went out and got my motorcycle cleaned and went to the cafe. When I came home, this is what I found. They often hire a karaoke guy to bring his equipment and set up.Does anybody besides me think this is unsafe??????? Kkkkkkkk :rofl:
I told you all earlier today. There was another party at my house tonight. Usually it's done inside using our karaoke equipment. But that's not the case today. I went out and got my motorcycle cleaned and went to the cafe. When I came home, this is what I found. They often hire a karaoke guy to bring his equipment and set up.Does anybody besides me think this is unsafe??????? Kkkkkkkk :rofl: View attachment 1716250854View attachment 1716250855View attachment 1716250856