Stop in for a cup of coffee

I will look around.
This is the size I have and wondering if the shoulder is to long for the older A bodies.

Got to spend some time today with my granddaughter. She will be two in October. Had a great time.
Well the new dog Lexi failed the home alone test yesterday. Had a few windows open for air. Well she somehow got out one by the couch! Blasted right through the plastic screen. Somehow Jaquie got her. OK Jaquie puts her back in and closes the window. OK life is good. Guess she found another window open blasted though it! Guess the dam dog can jump. We get home no Dog! Great. Freaking dog bowl is in the living room somehow still full? Some stuff on the floor in the kitchen etc! Guess the dog is petrified being alone since all the pound experience. Would love to know how it got out the second window. Running start launch? Seriously no way to get up by it.

Well the new dog Lexi failed the home alone test yesterday. Had a few windows open for air. Well she somehow got out one by the couch! Blasted right through the plastic screen. Somehow Jaquie got her. OK Jaquie puts her back in and closes the window. OK life is good. Guess she found another window open blasted though it! Guess the dam dog can jump. We get home no Dog! Great. Freaking dog bowl is in the living room somehow still full? Some stuff on the floor in the kitchen etc! Guess the dog is petrified being alone since all the pound experience. Would love to know how it got out the second window. Running start launch? Seriously no way to get up by it.
Time for a kennel.
Good stormy Sunday…

I’ll say this, my kids are totally screwed.

We lost power for not even 10 freaking minutes, I had 3 kids in total meltdown over not having power to watch TV, or their tablets or whatever… I’m thinking dad needs to schedule a weekly power outage to correct this problem.
Good stormy Sunday…

I’ll say this, my kids are totally screwed.

We lost power for not even 10 freaking minutes, I had 3 kids in total meltdown over not having power to watch TV, or their tablets or whatever… I’m thinking dad needs to schedule a weekly power outage to correct this problem.
Give em some GI Joes or sticks or something we used to play with lol!
This is the size I have and wondering if the shoulder is to long for the older A bodies.

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Thanks, Fred! Much better shape than mine. Here are a couple of pics. Yours the shoulder looks longer, if you can still bring them I will give them a try that would be great. No seatbelts in there, so easy enough to thread in the holes and check................ :thumbsup:

I have a motorbike, 2018 Yamaha nvx. In Vietnam. I love to drive that way more than driving the car. I've been driving it everywhere in Vietnam for the last 4 months. So I've been home now for less than a week and I'm missing that. Fired up the Harley today, will probably ride tomorrow.
<~~~~~ Trying to recall what he was doing Friday about 17:00 PDT. There should have been a bunch of sirens on the road outside. Seems there was a plane crash just on the other side of PCH on a local ranch. All brush country. County Fire should have been all over that and making plenty noise. Twin engine Piper, 50sum vintage. Pilot survived, no major brush fire, fortunate. Very overcast that day, speculate pilot didn't know there was a mountain in front of him at that low altitude until too late. With no fire, it shouldn't have hurt many of the Red Oaks. BBQ pits all over the valley rejoice.
New door hinges installed on a 2012 Ford Fusion. Like I said Ford cars don't like me but I beat it into submission and the door works great. Took me an hour of hard labor and now need a drink. Well maybe not to hard to fix but a good excuse to drink. :thumbsup: