Stop in for a cup of coffee

More Langley BC car show pics, Dusters, Demons, Superbird. Crazy work to get those headers through on the 440 I'm sure : )







My desert buddy got a set of FREE fenderwell headers for his '66 GT with 340 from Hooker. All he had to do was leave the '66 there for a week so they could build them.
They needed to make a pattern for future production.
Fednerwell headers hurt my soul :( hate seeing them cut out like that....

I am starting to like dusters more and more, wish guys would minitub/lower them instead of going stinkbug though
geezz.. just looked on MP and duster prices are stupid now too.. unreal... Did run into this though... for 11.5k it would be a deal
geezz.. just looked on MP and duster prices are stupid now too.. unreal... Did run into this though... for 11.5k it would be a deal
Not a bad car for the price.
Getting those tires on and off has to suck... i got lucky on mine, i can barely get them in on an angle which is good enough :) I will prolly raise my rear a bit though
Tom jacks it up and unhooks the shock. They are a tight fit for sure. You need tire if you're running as fast as he goes.