Stop in for a cup of coffee

What a **** show. Not set up for this, too many obstacles, paint isn't going as far as I had hoped. Hate this. Engine compartment, trunk amd underneath all has 1 coat. And so does everything else I own. Poor planning. Phuk it now tho
Well, everything is covered and then some



Just back from errands in town, was crazy on the base, had to fill the waters and quick trip to commissary. Huge ceremony going on, hard to park, found out it was the Chief's pinning ceremony, good to see. Now it's tractor time, got some red dyed diesel, divide the pile in 3 and start burning
Light rain, a tiny bit of wind here but supposedly the big winds are due in about 5. Forecasting 5-8pm of sustain 70 mph winds and gusts of 90. We shall see
Light rain, a tiny bit of wind here but supposedly the big winds are due in about 5. Forecasting 5-8pm of sustain 70 mph winds and gusts of 90. We shall see
Hang on their Chris, hope everything turns out good for you and family.
I ain’t worried bout me, my family down in South Carolina and Tennessee, yep worried.