Stop in for a cup of coffee

5 gallons is a hell of a lot not sure how many farm machines you want to do think 2 qts a car. Goes a long way. ***** to mix you want a paint mixer thingy that goes on a drill to blend it each time before filling the spray bottles. Seriously it won't drip down a funnel otherwise unless heated.

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HF $8
Nice. Supposed to dry clear so thinking of using it on the underside of my 99 Ram
Nice. Supposed to dry clear so thinking of using it on the underside of my 99 Ram
Bit of a tan tint if it is like fluid film, transparent though remember its a ***** to remove solvents and water dont break it up so do all the painting first that you need to do. Using it for years love it good for bare metal also for me done distributors keep the moisture off, just a rag rub.
80% off you could buy several gallon and send it out to your friends here and even make a buck. Get us a price on a gallon.
Good Morning All! Slept in, have a few wind chimes on the back deck, hear the little one often but when I hear the big one I know I'm staying in the shop!
It's Santa Thank You Saturday!


Good morning :D