So, I don't have any New Year's resolutions. But I have an admission to make. Some of you here already know about this and I feel it's only fair to let everyone know. My Vietnamese wife and I have been having trouble for a while. The main issue is that she does not understand money or finance. And she won't listen to anything. I try to teach her or tell her. I am tired of pouring money into land in Vietnam that we cannot sell. On top of that she went back to Vietnam in August to do some work with the bank on that loan. We had an argument. She cut me off on communication. I haven't talked to her in months. Then the day that I came into Vietnam, apparently she went back to America. But she did not go to my home state of Maryland. She went to San Antonio, Texas. Anyhow, I have filed a lawsuit against her here in Vietnam for theft of my money and for divorce. We will see where that goes. More to come later. I will say that I have met a very nice Vietnamese lady who is not lazy, has a good heart, has her own business, and is not looking for money from anyone. So far so good