Stop in for a cup of coffee

A balmy 19° with 8° "real feel".

I guess the whole real feel thing is supposedly a combination of inputs versus just wind velocity?

Humidity (North Dakota dry cold)
Sun/cloud cover
It used to be just "wind chill" but that didn't work when it got hot so they came up with "real feel" and added the warm feeling. I'm sure a calm day in Arizona is pretty close to the air temp. A 95° day with 95% humidity and a 20 mph wind here in Iowa will have a feel good over 95. :mob: :mob: :rofl:
It used to be just "wind chill" but that didn't work when it got hot so they came up with "real feel" and added the warm feeling. I'm sure a calm day in Arizona is pretty close to the air temp. A 95° day with 95% humidity and a 20 mph wind here in Iowa will have a feel good over 95. :mob: :mob: :rofl:
Jodi is frying bacon in cast iron with taters and onions in the other cast iron, feel good rating is right at 100%
It used to be just "wind chill" but that didn't work when it got hot so they came up with "real feel" and added the warm feeling. I'm sure a calm day in Arizona is pretty close to the air temp. A 95° day with 95% humidity and a 20 mph wind here in Iowa will have a feel good over 95. :mob: :mob: :rofl:

Summer in the Arizona desert felt like having a blow drier on high shoved in your face...
Not to kick a guy when he is down but this is for @MOPARMITCH

Used to hit the low 130's in the sandbox. Now that sucked badly you did not even feel sweat coming off you!
Used to hit the low 130" in the sandbox. Now that sucked badly you did not even feel sweat coming off you!
It evaporated so fast. Yup.

Our safety gear had a top end of 125°, so beyond that we wrapped it up.

Well, that and the aircraft would run wheel ruts on the tarmac .. Base Ops didn't care for that at all
They will have to play better to bring home Gold. Just a world class tournament. Did you see where Don Cherry started a big ole mess (surprise) with his remarks about the early out? Love him or hate him he is typically pretty darn accurate when it comes to that kind of stuff.
Love Don he was always right on . Hate Ron Mclean for not sticking up for him , always turn the comments off between periods now .
X-mas stuff is still up here............

Due to the snow, we will be getting my wife will be on her way to work later this afternoon, a day early. We are an hour away from the hospital where she works, and being a nurse she is an essential employee and can't take tomorrow off. She will stay at the local hotel right near the hospital. She has had to do this several times since we moved here. We are in a very rural area and she drives over the mountain to get to work.
X-mas stuff is still up here............

Due to the snow, we will be getting my wife will be on her way to work later this afternoon, a day early. We are an hour away from the hospital where she works, and being a nurse she is an essential employee and can't take tomorrow off. She will stay at the local hotel right near the hospital. She has had to do this several times since we moved here. We are in a very rural area and she drives over the mountain to get to work.
Route 9 is no joke on a normal day. Never mind with weather.