Stop in for a cup of coffee

Gots me a new Dodge Charger! Current hemi in it is junk but I’m gonna swap in the one I got from OMR!


We ran those to spook the geese right after we seeded. And upon emergence. Takes the birds and geese about four hours to figure it out. At that point it is worthless. However a team of determined enterprising young pre adolescent farm kids armed with an assortment of 22s can implement some serious rodent control! Just sayin…
Or pack it with grapeshot :rolleyes:
So today I started in on the handrail project. Grabbed my hood and no love, battery dead. Arghh. I looked at my dusty abandoned old pipe liner helmet and thought screw it i can be done with this in about as much time as it takes me to remember how to swap the batteries in my new auto dimming Buzz Lightyear hood. Grabbed the pipeliner and got to work. I got done with first panel, laid the helmet down and thought to myself, in a moment of reflection, WTF I am sixty plus years old and still building handrail? I gazed at the duct tape repaired hood that I wore for so many years thinking to myself, life certainly does come full circle. I looked at that pipe liner and tried to think how many of them I had wore out? Remembering the day I got all my welding certificates done, thinking I was something. I got hired on with a salty crew thinking I was that and a bag of chips. I strutted up to the structure as only a young peacock can. Certs in hand, hood, leathers and tool box in tow. Thinking I can weld anything you put in front of me. As I walked up to the crew in the shadow of the structure, I looked up at several hundred feet of steel, just itching to climb and burn rod. While they knowingly looked at each other with the steely gaze that only men who have held each others lives in their hand can understand. Now there is not a single foreman (good ones) on planet earth that lets a new welder start on anything that even remotely resembles pipe. I got handed a fire hose and was immediately tasked with fire watch three decks down from where the action was. The sparks fall thru the grating for about three floors before they self extinguish. I thought well this is a fine how do you do, I am a certified welder on fire watch? After several weeks of fire watch I finally got to weld, yep hand rail. I welded and fabricated a million miles of hand rail before I got to do vessel’s and pipe. Full circle as I once again attack the hand rail in my shop.



3 hardware stores in town, not one stocks the sequencer i need.
Welding? Ya, me too.
Didnt take photo of it all blackened.
it all blackened.
I can only assume that my Amazon packages that have been out for delivery... For almost 6 days now are lost....


Connecting the dots of "Out for Delivery" and "You may experience storm delays" must mean that the UPS truck slid off the road last Friday, and into a ravine, where the driver survived off of someones Protein bars until Yukon Cornelius showed up and my packages were handed off to his sled dog team who have since, with the assistance of Shermie the pig dentist, been battling Bumbles and Wicked Snow Queens to make it the 9 and a half miles from the point the tracking system says my packages are.

I'm eternally hopeful and will leave milk and cookies by the fireplace
Sitting here at the Riverside Cafe. I come here often because it's quiet here and I read a book. I've been looking for roasted peanuts here for a few days, and I finally found some. 75 cents USD for a bag. A few years ago I was at a cafe by the water and a woman sold me peanuts but they were wet , not roasted. So I ate a bunch of them and I was sick as a dog for 2 days, running to the bathroom. Never eat the wet ones again. LOL
Sitting here at the Riverside Cafe. I come here often because it's quiet here and I read a book. I've been looking for roasted peanuts here for a few days, and I finally found some. 75 cents USD for a bag. A few years ago I was at a cafe by the water and a woman sold me peanuts but they were wet , not roasted. So I ate a bunch of them and I was sick as a dog for 2 days, running to the bathroom. Never eat the wet ones again. LOL View attachment 1716353581
Here ya go Mitch

A Sam's Club roticery chicken is less than $5.00. What a bargain.