Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning to all y’all early risers! I got pounced awake. Translated one of the doggos decided to land on me when I was sound asleep. The resulting spaz wake up got my full attention from a pain standpoint. Zero chance of returning to sleep. Put on ice pack and got some comfort food. Jodi had to go into town last night and brought me home a surprise present.

Morning to all y’all early risers! I got pounced awake. Translated one of the doggos decided to land on me when I was sound asleep. The resulting spaz wake up got my full attention from a pain standpoint. Zero chance of returning to sleep. Put on ice pack and got some comfort food. Jodi had to go into town last night and brought me home a surprise present.

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Pups saw you out on the tractor, so they know you aren't hurting anymore. Games resumed....
If they both stopped at the same time it could be a broken snout on the cam or the bolt fell out. Does it sound funny when you crank it?
Vortec. Lots of jiggery pokery in the electrical. I may have to borrow an ecm to see if i can get it to run.
On most of the OBDI models, the distributor module also controls the fuel pump. I don't know if that carried over to OBDII or not. Worth checking.
The shop its in is limited for tools, i tried without bringing my own. Today will be different.
-6 and will go to just above freezing.
Load up tools and a manual and tackle this electrical issue with this 98 chevy. The owner cut a hole in bed floor over the fuel pump and hinged the panel. Brilliant! But the wiring has so many bad connections and splices its going to be a challenge.
5:31 good morning all you early risers especially you on the left coast.
50 mph winds and snow after all the rain. :BangHead::BangHead: I think I'll stay home and inside today. May be order some parts for the car.
50 mph winds and snow after all the rain. :BangHead::BangHead: I think I'll stay home and inside today. May be order some parts for the car.
Some of the most expensive days that there are. Home, bored, and looking at car parts