Stop in for a cup of coffee

If I know the sizes I could pick up a bunch for members, no springs though. Thought they were cheap, never seen a rack of bins with them before.
I'm in a bit of a pickle. I've got this tach sitting on my desk and I'm trying to find out how to connect it.

The thing is that it's for a magneto ignition system so it needs a different triggering signal than tachometers for normal battery/distributor ignition systems.

I'm having a real hard time finding info on what kind of input it actually has or correspondingly what kind of tach output a (Vertex brand) magneto has.

Has anyone here been fiddling 'bout with magnetos?
my BIL & SIL down in Jupiter Fl stayed home - didn't lose power until 6 this morning - Matthew didn't come in as close as predicted...
Pretty sure the magneto tachs work off the frequency, not positive though.
I'm pretty sure it's really simple but I need to know the details or I will risk frying my new, great-looking tach.
Cable is like a speedometer cable to the magneto direct drive. What model is it?
I can not find anything about wiring in the tach you have... Im almost thinking its not possible.

Im not sure of the quality of tach you have, but if you need a tach. I have the one below I can send you. Im not using it anymore.