Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hello everyone, I'm behind on my news here, hope I'm not missing something important. I'm kind of deep with Christmas stuff. Second batch of bourbon ball mix ready to be made into final product. Tree partly's a pretty specimen but the branches aren't very strong so I'm going for "less is more" this year which is a nice change from how it's usually packed with ornaments. Got some more baking to do then get a few packages mailed off. Work is torture now because it is so slow but soon it will be so busy. I miss the days when places were closed on Christmas.
Hello everyone, I'm behind on my news here, hope I'm not missing something important. I'm kind of deep with Christmas stuff. Second batch of bourbon ball mix ready to be made into final product. Tree partly's a pretty specimen but the branches aren't very strong so I'm going for "less is more" this year which is a nice change from how it's usually packed with ornaments. Got some more baking to do then get a few packages mailed off. Work is torture now because it is so slow but soon it will be so busy. I miss the days when places were closed on Christmas.
Nope, nothing important
got a message from my babysitter, apparently my 2 almost 3 yr old cusses like a sailor...... I have no idea where she got that from :lol::lol::rolleyes:

Yeah, ya gotta watch that, It's even more fun when they do it in Kindergarten and DSS comes to the house. Been there. learned to clean up my language quick
I quit cussing bad after my first child was born. Didn't want them picking it up.. On the other hand , I had this Guy that worked for me, and him and his wife were really bad. She was worse. Of course after there kids were born, nothing changed. I mean, they would be at our house for a Company Pool party or something. She'd be hollering...Paul (3) git F over here. Crystal (2) what the F do you think your doing...I'm gonna beat you all F'n asses... I would just shake my head...My kids (around 12-15 at the time) Would just look with their mouths open...:BangHead::BangHead: Yup, their kids turn out like $hit !!!
so it's not a good thing when your little f**ker starts calling other kids little f**ker....???? :lol:
My perfect little angel told the teacher f-u. get out. Musta heard me talking to her Mom at some point .Never once did she ever say anything in front of me.... they do the damdest things. I was mr. mom
My perfect little angel told the teacher f-u. get out. Musta heard me talking to her Mom at some point .Never once did she ever say anything in front of me.... they do the damdest things. I was mr. mom
oh , I bet Mrs.H was just thrilled!!! :lol:
I'm sure mine heard me say a few choice words over the years, but it was not part of daily speech in our house. However, on different occasions as they got older I let one slip. I know a couple times I apologized and they were like "Don't sweat it, we hear worse every day in school"
I'm sure mine heard me say a few choice words over the years, but it was not part of daily speech in our house. However, on different occasions as they got older I let one slip. I know a couple times I apologized and they were like "Don't sweat it, we hear worse every day in school"

But where they're five, they're proud, start school, and want to tell everyone everything they've ever learned. lol Don't underestimate them , they only need to hear it once. lol
But where they're five, they're proud, start school, and want to tell everyone everything they've ever learned. lol Don't underestimate them , they only need to hear it once. lol
And then when they're fifteen you have to tell them 10 times and then they still won't remember that you told them something...