Stop in for a cup of coffee

well dang - thought I would be the early guy and get some info from Turbo Action so I can order a new TC - they open at 7:30 right - - yea, but the tech's don't come in until 10-ISH... wth...
Boy that was very well pc there kid.

as in - who was THAT and what did he do with Chris!!??

yeah yeah, I can't be mean to a guy's sick wife. That just aint cool. I do have some standards... however low those may be.

So were you functional enough to let go, or too dysfunctional to keep? :lol:
Just functional enough actually, my levels were just above the cut off line and thats what brought the hospital thing into conversation.
Chris being discharged from the hospital...

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haha, wouldnt you know it, I actually worked at an old state mental hospital for 4 years that the military bought and turned into a war fare center.
Good morning folks

haha, wouldnt you know it, I actually worked at an old state mental hospital for 4 years that the military bought and turned into a war fare center.
Yeh,this sounds familiar. :realcrazy:
I think I have seen that on a few shows where the patients convince themselves they are part of the staff. :poke::lol:
I had no vested interest in either game yesterday, but as a fan of the game I will have to say I was disappointed. I expected better play from Green Bay and Pittsburgh. I'm not however surprised by the outcome. The better teams won and hopefully both teams show up for the Super Bowl. Not interested watching another blow out in either direction.

I'm too old for this sh%t

I guess we should not poke fun at the ones with more wisdom then?

I'm too old for this sh%t

I guess we should not poke fun at the ones with more wisdom then?
in all seriousness though, as far as my unit is concerned, I'm an old man. I have more time in service than most of our leadership, as far as lower enlisted, I am the senior lower enlisted in the entire Battalion and Brigade, in the division, I'm just outside the top 10 at 11th overall time in service for lower enlisted. Lower enlisted for us is considered E-5 and below.
Yep his wife is right might be 80 when the car is finished.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sad but probably true.... But hey, baby steps, I'm learning as I go lol. If I was a master body man, this thing would have been done by now haha
In all seriousness, I have one goal for my dart. I want it done for the 100 anniversary of Route 66, which coincidentally will be 6 months after I retire from the military, assuming I stay in one more round, then I plan on taking a 4 week vacation to drive route 66, my kids will be just going into their teenage years so the trip would be fun lol. But that's the ultimate goal

i knew it, the fire alarm puller was employed by New England.... according to ESPN sports center radio................ AND they said some viewers reported seeing red flashes on the faces and jersey's of some steelers players and that the league is investigating the use of possible laser pointers by fans during the game., soooo looks like I wasn't the only one to notice them