Stop in for a cup of coffee

Is your pressure relief valve spring broken? You seem to have repeated "pfffft" going on...
Hey Dave, you're an artist. What do you think of that grille idea

who are we talking about?? who got scared off ??

I came mid conversation so I am lost
I am sure it seemed like I did last night - Hops was on a roll and going off on "Scampy" stuff... it was about 8:45 and I decided to crash right in the middle of it... certainly not skeerd though - hell, I wish I could have stuck around
Good thing I'm such an energetic young fella or that might have worn me the hell out. Lol.
Did a little filler work. Center of door was pushed in. Popped it out a while ago and got some filler on it today. Got it pretty close and had to wrap it up and get some primer on. Also did over the patch on lower back of fender. That sanding is too much like work...:eek:

2017-03-27 19.06.28.jpg
Hey Dave, you're an artist. What do you think of that grille idea

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I think the proportions are off. It isn't integrated from a design perspective.

The center horizontal bar is a bit too heavy and rounded for the rest of the design and the same with the center vertical bar. The squared off sides don't work well with round headlights and are in stark contrast to the rounded bars.

Want me to make some adjustments to it?
I think the proportions are off. It isn't integrated from a design perspective.

The center horizontal bar is a bit too heavy and rounded for the rest of the design and the same with the center vertical bar. The squared off sides don't work well with round headlights and are in stark contrast to the rounded bars.

Want me to make some adjustments to it?
I do!
Good thing I'm such an energetic young fella or that might have worn me the hell out. Lol.
Did a little filler work. Center of door was pushed in. Popped it out a while ago and got some filler on it today. Got it pretty close and had to wrap it up and get some primer on. Also did over the patch on lower back of fender. That sanding is too much like work...:eek:

View attachment 1715032415
nice! :thumbsup: