If I needed 4 people to do anything on my car it never would have got done.
Are you re-using them? If not it's a one person job. To save the glass, best to have 2 people. If I had 4, I'd be telling someone to go get me a beer so they would be out of my way. LOL.
Wipers off. Trim off. Just pull the round cord out of the gasket. cut the web of the lip that goes over the glass and pull it off. Gently push the glass from an inside corner to get it started. This is where it is good to have a second person outside so you don't launch it when it lets loose. (If not saving, blanket on hood and pop it forward) Unless someone gooped it heavy and recently with sealant, you probably won't need to wire it. Set on edge on foam or a couple layers of cardboard for storage. Cardboard between is sufficient. The front is laminated and is pretty tough. back is the touchy one. It is safety glass. Even a slight tap on an edge can shatter it in a million little pieces. Could run some tape around the edge if you need to store it.