Stop in for a cup of coffee

:soapbox: Not even mine and it just pisses me off seeing it. That thing survived 50+ years in nice shape and now its screwed up. :wtf::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::mob: Just F'n rude to break people ****. :mad: No GD respect for nothin or nobody to do stuff like that. :mob: Even if he get's the top now that other piece is trashed.:BangHead: Looks like cast 'white metal' the way it broke.

Some people would fix it with flex seal. Or at least try.
All things being equal, and seeing how they load freight, it could have been knocked off by shifting load.
Here's some shipping silliness for you, this arrived today. I guess when they picked out a box to put it in they didn't realize that it's a telescoping handle. It was shipped with the handle fully extended...

That was my first thought too. Probably damaged in shipment and they tossed the broken part to get rid of the evidence.
Even though it would cost @halifaxhops a little extra shipping, I think I would have sellers remove the tops and send them separate, boxed with regular UPS or other shipper in the future
I'm about done with this summer crap!

I hear that - unless I get the A/C going early in the day, it is unbearably hot in the garage.. by the time I get home it is nearly 90 out there - uhh, no

See now snow and winter seem like a nice cool break...

Bring it on...